seriously, what's with the mods these days? every topic i find interesting is locked. ("use the sticky") umm.. this is a place to talk about video games is it not? i understand locking some.. but a lot do not need to be locked. (yeah, when a new game comes out and there's thousands of threads for it, i understand locking.. but alot of these threads i'm reading, i'm baffled what they did to deserve a lock?)
is the intent to make this place 'read only'?
i've been using this site off and on for almost a decade now.. and i think it's maybe time to find another. the constant locking is getting rediculous.
and yerah, i know, this will be locked and i might get a ban.. don't really care.. just like to say to the mods, chill out a bit.. you're getting a bit carried away IMO.
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