Why do some people care that people are addicted to trophies?
If you don't like trophies, that is fantastic! I personally love them even though I know they are pointless. I won't go out of my way to get ridiculous trophies or trophies that I personally find to be a chore.
Once again. I find people who are always wondering why people are addicted to trophies as well as people who complain about so called "trophy whores" to be just as bad as the people who they complain about.
Movies, some television drama's and most specifically books make me cry. I read a ton of fantasy novels and god damnit, bad **** is always happening in them bad might even be an understatement in some of the books I love lol.
Is this the one that zipper is coming back to make?
i won't lie I had a ton of fun with Confrontation (for a while). I just got sick and tired of all the ridiculous lag in the menus...amongst a few other things. I understand the issues are fixed now but there is no point in playing that game unless you are in a clan (issues with clans taking over ranked rooms and such...coommunity is full of jerks) . i would rather not waste my time in unranked rooms with respawns.
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