It boggles me that people continue to complain about rockets. In my honest opinion the Rocket Launchers are terrible weapons to carry. The only time their good ever is when people cluster about by Objectives or when you need to take out Sentrys. Why not complain about Grenades? They can kill 3-4 people at a time and you can carry up to 3 Grenades. So yea...
Honestly the Assault Class is a good thing to have, cause there are times when the other team has such a good defense there'd literally be no way to get through it unless your Assault, and even then not always. Also giving Assault the LMGs would be a big mistake. You think the Assault class can kill lots of people now? With LMGs you're just asking for your team to be masscred. There's a reason onlySoldiers can use LMGs and that's becauseif any other Class had them they'd probably be overpowered.
LookRockets aren't that good, out in the open you'll be hard pressed to get any kills at allunless you go suicidal and fire point blank. And if you're getting killed by Rocket Launchers a lot, it probably means you are doing something wrong.
Honestly Saboteur is by far the cheapest Class in-game, there's no way you can't get a good K/D with Saboteur.
Well written post !
That submachine gun the sabateur nassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssty
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