gameeer1: No No No you're not my father... you're the ****head who shot me!
Kash_1095 : I was suffering from amnesia, because of a certain incident... but that's another story. My fight with Solid_Snake allowed me to remember everything. When jaydough shot me and I shot back, it caused a chain reaction which allowed part of his mind to be intertwined with mine, fixing the matter which was missing from the memory section of my brain.
gameeer1 : My father abandoned me as a child!
Kash_1095 : And I am deeply sorry for that, but now is not the time for this... you must train.
gameeer1 : I'm ready, I will do whatever it takes to stop this threat.
Wolf-Avatar : Then it's time.
gameeer1 : WOLF but you died!
Wolf-Avatar : I am only in this world temporarily but I am here to train you.
gameeer1 : lets do this
*Epic training off screen which causes gameeer1 to loose his left testicle*
Wolf-Avatar : I feel you are ready
gameeer1 : I am ready, we must venture to the Sears tower.
Kash_1095 : I will battle with Solid_Snake. I need you to sneak into the building, throw this stone into the ground, and utter the magic words : *mumble*
gameeer1 : You do realise I am never going to forgive you.
Kash_1095 : And you'll never have to *flys off to the sears tower*
Wolf-Avatar : My time in the mortal world has ended. Farewell *fades away*
gameeer1 : AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *takes off to sears tower*
Solid_Snake1221 : Foolish humans.
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