Alright there were two men, Bill and Bob who were fishing.
Bill then brings the subject of Education up
Bill tells Bob, "You know what Bob, maybe I should go back to school, go somewhere in life"
Bill says "Hey you should go Back to College."
A few weeks later Bob goes to college, and his courses are :
and Logic.
He asks his professer,
"Logic, what's that?"
The professer replies,
"I'll give you an example. do you own a lawnmower?"
Bob says "Yes"
The professer then explains,
"If you own a lawnmower then you must own a lawn, and if you own a lawn then you must own a house, or must live in a house, and if you live in a house you must have a job to support that house, and you possibly have a family, and this being Texas, you must be a hetereosexual person."
Bob says "Wow how did you know? That was incredible"
The professer says,
"That's logic my friend."
So Bob meets Bill in the bar.
Bill says, "How was college?"
Bob says "I learned about logic"
Bill replys, "What's that?"
Bob : Do you own a lawnmower?
Bill : No
Bob : Then you're probably gay.
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