Kasreyn / Member

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Kasreyn Blog

Ocarina Of Time

I havn't played Zelda since the first one on NES. Yes, I had the gold cartridge. Recently I picked up Wind Waker and that was pretty good. I completely missed everything the N64 had to offer. With all the talk about Ocarina Of Time, I just had to see for myself. So far I'm enjoying the game. Much of how the dungeons work isn't really new to me because of previous experince in Wind Waker. But the open landscape travels does reflect the original zelda better. If I want to go somewhere I need to bloody walk there on my own. It isn't punishment, it's Zelda. Almost all modern RPGs bails out on that one with ridiculous portals or recall potions. The dialog and humor is really great. And ofcourse, the mini-games and subquests.

God Of War

At the end of this game it gets somewhat frustrating. I mean there are moments when I am really pissed ! Difficulty and anger is good ! My strategy for the last fight with the god of war: Attack and get closer with R1, then L1+square, block, watch out and count the swings, repeat. I kept him busy running around doing quick attacks. That way he doesn't start doing the fireball craphola ! Damn cheater.

TimeSplitters Future Perfect is awesome

When I started playing this game I had some diffuculties adapting to the controls on the gamecube. But after configuring, "Radical B" seemed to work pretty good. So I run through the first story episode and it is awesome. I'm in the desert and I have a scifi handgun !

A couple of missions later the game offers timetravel back in time. It's still a very good shooter but maybe not as good as the scifi desert stuff. So I continue to play and finally get to the future parts again. That's where the awesome overloads. Battlemech ! Scifitank ! Air-defence gunturret !

Eternal Darkness

So I was reading through the forum checking out games that people prefer, someone mentioned Eternal Darkness and I watched the video review. Hey chopping of heads and arms looks pretty cool !

I got the game for 19$ and it's been pretty good so far.

* Chopping of heads and arms !
* Finishing them of !
* The puzzles, inventory is not annoyingly limited (Resident Evil?), is it just me or are they kind of easy to figure out?
* Sanity, they should have made it impossible to restore with spells?

* The menu interface which kind of forces you to browse a lot until you find what you want.

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