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Keir21 Blog

What does this site mean to me?

Over the past months i've realised this site isn't much of a gaming site to me and more of a social board. Nevertheless this is one of my favourite sites and i have made a lot of friends and you are all so cool. I would name you all but that would take forever but i'm sure you all know who you are.

I feel bad about not posting as often as i should but i do spend a lot of time at another social board. Small community but nevertheless there all good fun. If anyone is interested in joining it just leave me a comment or pm me.

See you next time.


So recently i've gone crazy with my camera so i'll be uploading various photos of me and my general art/photography work :)

I'm leaving for a bit

Well that time of the year has come where i can't keep up with things. I promised reviews and videos and nothing has been so far finished. I'm having quite a struggle with life at the moment with exams, work and even friendships.

So i am taking a temporary leave so that i can get things sorted out, i'll do my best to visit when possible.

Mirrors Edge

So i just completed Mirrors Edge and though i'd tell you that its pretty good but very frustrating.

Review to follow shortly along with a Quantum of Solace review.

Worst way to end christmas

My girlfriend left me.....

.....apparently she loved me but she couldn't be with me because she loves her ex more. I've decided to completely break it off with her as we can no longer be "real" friends in such a mess up situation.

Her ex though...........he's not worth the dirt on her shoes. Its true, good guys never get the girl but bad guys always do....

A little catch up :) 16/12/08

Well this has been a pretty good week i must say :D end of exams, party, coursework is all in and i have the cutest girlfriend ever named Alex Martyn :)

We've known eachother for a while but at a party we kind of got closer (the power of alcohol!) but yeah its great. Her ex (idiot) went out with one of her friends (also idiot) There just not very nice people . We bumped into them in town and i looked his girlfriend up from head to toe then mine and said: "mines better than yours!" hehe.

So yeah things are looking up :) my video of ask and answer will be up today hopefully. I had a bit of a twitch in my eye so i postponed it. Thats lack of sleep for you.

Me and videos

Alright people. So I've been getting rather bored lately so i have decided i shall start making videos :)

Seeing that hardly any of you know me i thought i'd make my first video on general question asking :D so if you guys have any questions i will gladly answer them :) from then on i shall start making video reviews and the lot hehe. Fire away.

10/12/09 update

Terrible day. I had two exams. The english exam wasn't too bad but during the exam its as if someone had some sort of twisted plan. I was wizzing ahead doing all the hard questions first to much sure i gained marks as time was sparse. However i was confident i could do the lower marked questions.

Well when i got just short of half throught the test my pen ran out of ink. Luckily i had a back up pen! but in a matter of seconds it snapped! it was a bloody fountain pen, how cheap is that?! so yeah i'm prohibited from using pencils as well. The examiner refuses t give me a pen when she clearly has one in her coat pocket!

I lost a lot of sleep last night revising for this and i fall really short of achieving my goal. All that sleep gone and for what :(

I'm listening to rather depressing music at the moment so im some what melancholy lol. Anyway things can only get better im sure?

Update 09/12/08

Well today has been an awfully so-so day. I went to study with Lizzie my ex which was quite fun :) I have two exams tomorrow and i can't concentrate and i'm really scared of failing. English i can't really revise for and Science is completely going over my head.

On top of that Laura has cancelled without reason :( I need a hug ;) Anyway on the weekend i'll be doing all my Christmas shopping, i have a fair bit to do. Completed Portal again which is good because that means one less distraction lol.

Anyway nothing really new here just me being blown off and failing to revise lol.

Talk laters.


P.S. seeing as i can't see how popular my reviews are now i thought i would just blog them from here on.


What makes a good survival horror? loads of jumps? scares? or does it involve more of a solid atmosphere? Dead Space is a mixed bag and takes a lot of its pros from other games.

You basically play as Isaac Clarke, a mechanic sent to the USG Ishimura, a planet cracking ship. However all is not what it seems. When you arrive on the Ishimura you realize that it is empty, or so it appears.

The game has no HUD which actually works a lot better than you might think with everything vital to the player located on Isaac's rig. Health is shown on your characters back and ammo shown as a holographic image on your weapon whenever aimed.

This game takes a lot from games such as Resident Evil 4 and Silent Hill. The set up is generally like Resident Evil 4, you use over the shoulder aiming but there is an addition of the ability to move slowly. When you are not aiming R1 and R2 act as basic melee attacks such as a punch or stomp. The Zero gravity sections add a new pace to the game and is one of the few real innovations. The game has a lot in common with Silent Hill with the fact that the game is mostly atmosphere with very little scares.

The graphics are superb. Lighting effects are generally top notch and character detail is also very good. The bloody corridors of the USG Ishimura are enough to make anyone feel unnerved. The art design though is generally very dull with much of the USG Ishimura looking pretty much the same, you won't even realize your backtracking half the game.

Sound plays quite a big role. There are so many sound effects which help build up atmosphere from the scuttling of a necromorph to the sound of a woman singing twinkle twinkle. Overall the sound is one of the bigger highlights in the game.

The game isn't all that scary but this is not to say there are no horror elements at all. Its just not what you were promised. However one enemy in the game is potentially the most terrifying creature i have ever come across in a video game and this makes for one hell of a section. Shame it doesn't last all too long.

The story to the game is actually pretty good. There are many twists and turns but some are pretty predictable. The overall plot though is fairly straight forward but the pretty interesting characters add an element to the story telling. Unfortunately Isaac is not one of the more interesting characters for he is a mute. This worked very well in Bioshock but at least they gave the character an amazing back story. Isaac however is just your boring hero looking for his girlfriend. Another element that does not work in favour of the story telling is the fact that most of the story is told via tape recordings and hardly any real communication between characters which is a real shame.

Think of this game as a mix between Event Horizon and Alien.

Overall Dead Space is a mixed bag what it lacks in originality is more than made up for with some interesting elements such as Zero gravity sections and Vaccuums. Just don't go expecting the next Resident Evil and you'll have a good time with this game. You just probably won't come back.


Thought i'd start blogging more

Well yeah i have a pretty fun filled life so i thought i would share some of it with you guys

Urm so Not too bad i must say, nothing all to exciting at the moment other than exams. Haven't had much of a social life due to revision but im meeting a girl called Laura this Satuarday so that should be fun :)

Recently i've been playing portal to death and i must say its brilliant! Also playing RE4 on the pc with a ps3 controller lol. Pointless seeing as i have it on PS2 anyway but modding is really cool.

Christmas soon! damn im excited, its the one day where i can completely relax. I'm not after much this Christmas just clothes or games although im saving for an iphone so i can manage myself easier.

Finally does anyone play counter strike or left 4 dead? i need some buddies to play with :)

Talk soon!