Yeah. I play games at most an hour or so a day so, sometimes, to finish a particular game it may take me a loooonnngggg time. That is why I need to mix it up a little bit. I am enjoying Crysis however the story is not very hard to follow. Usually I always go between a few games at a time and it takes me only a couple of minutes to refresh on the story.
PLEASE NO SPOILERS AT ALL!! haha, anyway, I am playing Crysis right now, also, I have Mass Effect going as well as some other games for online play. I bought Half Life 2 and I am very anxious to play it. This may be a question only I can anser by trying but I will ask anyway. Do you think that if I start Half Life 2 while I am still involved with Crysis I will detract from either game? Will the stories clash at all? I have no idea if I am done Crysis yet, and I would like to start HL2 so any input will be appreciated.
Yeah, Crysis is the best looking game I have played/seen. I find that as far as the clarity and realism, Uncharted for the PS3 is right up there. But, with the combination of the graphics and physics utilized in Crysis, nothing else comes close.........for now.
Thanks again for the replies. As I said, I play several games at a time. I feel that once you play a game for a minute or so, the story, characters and controls seem to refresh, and doing this switching from game to game keeps it interesting. I am not always in the mood for Crysis for example so, I will play something else for a day or so.
Cool, thanks for the replies. I am into Crysis, Mass Effect and Fallout 3 right now offline. I also play a little NBA 2k9. Online it is Left 4 Dead and COD: WAW.
Thanks for the help. I looked at the directions on the Steam page. I took user account control off, restarted my PC, then I opened Mass Effect and it did whatever it did to finalize it. I then put the user account control back on, restarted once more, and now it works.
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