Man could they of made the main character look any more gayer?I swear Twilight will be wanting this guy to star in one of their movies.
Yes I am so happy I got rid of my PS3 and got Skyrim on Xbox 360 lol because I would be so angry If I couldn't have the DLC for it.
I'm not to keen on the killstreak kind of thing but hey you can't win them all it looks playable I just wont ever be a fan of killstreaks in fps games.
@GamerOuTLaWz @Soul_Vanish Play singleplayer mode without Carter then!Stop having a hissy-fit and play on the hardest mode possible then judge how easy this game will be.
Wonder if these people slating the game will be the people buying this game.Whilst I don't believe co-op truly belong in a survival horror game the gameplay is pretty much the same plus you don't need to play with the AI!!YOU CAN STILL PLAY SINGLEPLAYER, didn't any of you listen?
@XBlackThorn No but I'm sure you can watch the pile up of dust on your Halo 4 disc as you get fed up of it.
Keitha313's comments