@crusadernights: I'd only pay $15 for it, I paid the full RRP on release day thinking It would be well worth the purchase, but I got roped in by misleading information.
The game looks better than It actually is, maybe If there is a way for you to try to demo the game just so you can see what I mean the missions and so on it's entirely doing the same thing over and over again, It is in every way a very poor man's GTA5, If you've not played GTA5 I fully encourage you to buy that instead.
@vanvir1: I did find the main story somewhat captivating, there is a lot of dialogue to the game, lot of interaction with your squad members.
The game mostly heavily shines when it comes down to the combat, It's much more improved, plus It has a ME:1 sort of feel to it (for me atleast) with the numerous amount of different weapon choices, it seems like there is so damn many which I'm over the moon with, also a good level of customisation, all the different looking armors and so on.
I feel like sure the game can be a bit repetitive, but I believe it deserves a better score than a 6/10, It's much more enjoyable than Ghost Recons: Wildlands, but this is all a matter of opinion.
@vanvir1: Side quests pretty much are fetch and scan ones, but I think that's the problem with creating many open worlds, they've tried their best to fill it up with something. There are moments when you get to explore through cool areas (the vaults) and you also have puzzles to solve at times.
To be fair i think the animation is a bit of an unfair thing to attack them on, I do have a few little problems with the game.
The problems so far that I have came across are -
1 - Enemies sometimes get caught up in behind walls, they can damage/kill you whilst you cannot kill them, this is a problem because sometimes you need to kill every enemy to progress a mission.
2 - Graphics, albeit that I don't think the graphics of the terrain and so is an issue, however, I do think the overall look of the characters are very dull they look like they've all been made from the very linear customer creation.
3 - This relates to number 2, the customer creation is way too lacking!
4 - Choices are so damn unclear, there was nothing wrong with the Blue for good option and Red for being a dick/bad-ass option, that should return, also to bring this into it I feel like there is little hard choices to make and small amount of options to be a proper d**khead in the game, and let's be honest we all liked that about ME.
5 - A small gripe from me, the jet-pack the noise can get very annoying could they perhaps not have found something less annoying.
Apart from all of those, I can't think of much else, I do enjoy the game.
Improvements I'd like to see is for the character models to be improved, I'd also like to see a higher level of customization going into the ability to creating a character. This is the first ME game where I really don't want to use the vanilla standard base character, Imagine my disappointment to see Ryder father compared to the son and daughter, where was the masculinity lost exactly, the father character should have been a design close to what the male Ryder looks like, but instead we have a somewhat very uninspiring design.
The other fault is the game is lacking the feeling of making hard choices in past ME games, I doubt they could ever really fix that, but It's something I'd really like to see.
@koospetoors: What about the woman who get acid thrown over them for wanting out of the religion, doesn't sound to me like they have much of a choice at all.
Keitha313's comments