He's ok. I think everyone was overlooking his bad stats and saw only how far they went into the playoffs. mrmusicman247Yeah but he grew a lot in the post season, made some great plays. Hell he was the reason the ywere ahead of the colts at halftime. Rookie stats for a QB are rarely phenominal. I agree though. The team is dependant on his development.
Ken_Masterz's forum posts
I will agree with MistressMinako on this one. The "witch-Friend" reminded me of Kefka for some reason, and I couldn't shake that feeling. Bayonetta, on the other hand.......it was more the voice than anything...the glasses were a nice touch too, and the face design. That and her hips were out of this world XD But she's from teh vidjagamez and all that jazz. LockedgeSo am I. It doesn't mean we're not real, and dont have feelings you know. :(
You should.
It's kinda sweet.
People end up liking a person they wouldn't generally be attracted to. :)
actually last year more times then not they bailed when the guy or girl who came out didn't match up to the image they had in their head.For a long tem relationship to succeed you have to have both, physical attraction and attraction of the mind. Sure a roll in the hay with an idiot can be fun if he/she is hot, but in the long run what's the point that when first time they open thier mouth and make anything but a moan you want to rip your own ears off? Luckily I've got both 8)
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