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Kennyofhearts Blog

PS3 or WII

Well I'm trying to decide which to get this christmas. The PS3 has alot of coolfeatures that are exclusive for that console. It also has the ability to let me play Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (My most anticipated game) and other PSP exclusive games, on the bigscreen. But the WII is alot cheaper, has a new style of gaming like no other, and has Smash Brothers Brawl, coming to it. I'm so confused which one should I get?

Edit: Sorry for not posting in your blogs, I got suspended for flaming a moderater once, and this was only my second offense, I hate when they abuse there powers. Anyway I'm also getting alot of glitches, how bout you guys?

What did you guys think of the players ball?

:( I was a little...... dissapointed with the gamespot players ball. Sure the games were nice and the tournament was alright, but there was nothing there to make me enjoy this event. First they started it off with a 50 minute loop of music and video game voice over actors. Then Homer spent the wholenight trying to act "gangsta" andtrying to get someone to enjoy his"jokes", thatno one found funny. Wanna here some of his quotes; "Thats how we do at the Gamespot Playa's Ball" "I'm wearing a Panda Suit, it's just invisible". Then the games weren't that impressive. Sure they were cool, but all we gotwas information we already knew about in 20 minute long segmants.The Rainbow Six Vegas wasn't that great either. The contestants were average and so was the game, maybe it would've been cooler if they let you watch it for more than 3 minutes at a time, but no they had very poor coverage of the event. But hey atleast I got to see the gamespot trio sing and play rockband and I got this cool emblem;

It's a treat when famous players meet.
This person did it real big with GameSpot and got wild on a Tuesday night at the GameSpot Players' Ball. Whether you saw the action from the confines of your own home or, like a true cross-country mack, stepped out into the spotlight with us live and in person, we sincerely appreciate it. If we could give you all a ride in our snotty-nosed ham sandwich with the brains blown, we totally would. That's a car, by the way.

Yea it's all worth it looking at this baby

Im skipping levels!?

It's weird yesterday I was level 5 with 72.96% and now today I'm level 7!? I also skipped levels 2-5, anyone know whats going on? Anyway yesterday I also recieved a convinial emblem:

Smashing good company.
Convivial members of the community are friends to many others--no doubt, many others who are every bit as convivial as themselves! Indeed, such fine company these chaps and gentle-women truly are! Their company is often desirable and often available, and, being such convivial sorts, they are always looking to broaden their horizons by meeting more and more friends, colleagues, and associates. Why, you'd certainly invite them over for tea if you liked tea and knew where they lived.

I'd like to thank everyone whos on my freind list for welll.... being my freind and posting on my blogs (Sometimes). Lol it took my brother 6 months to get this emblem I can't wait to rub it in his face.

World of Warcraft

After staying up all night watching this game download, it's finally complete. Now all I have to do is install it and download the patch and updates. Yeah this game looks pretty fun, and the best part is if I ever wanna download the free trial again all I need to do is get a new email adress how sweet is that (Just kidding I would never do something like that ;) ) Yeah I'll be gone most of the time for the next 10 or so days. Adios Amigos


43 hours to go woohoo

Yea I'm downloading a free 10 daytrial of World of Warcraft. Yeah I heard it was a good game but I wanted toplay itfor myself before desciding to buy it(I've had bad experiances with MMORPGs *cough*finalfantasyonline*cough). It seems like this is gonna take forever, at one point it said it would take 100+ hours to download. Yeah so far I've failed to times trying to download this, but I've disabled my firewall and cleared up some file space so soon I shall be playing World of Warcraft.

Square Enix Experiance

Joined a new union yesterday and I'm having a pretty fun time so far. It shouldn't be a suprise to any of you that I'm a final fantasy and kingdom hearts fan so I joined a union dedicated to the company that made them. It's called the Square Enix Experience I hope any one who's reading this will join it,you'd have a fun time. In other news (God I feel like a news reporter) I'm moving! I'm so excited, me,my sister, and mother have recently moved in with my grandmother. You see my mom had a stroke shortly after her divorce (Don't worry she's alright). Yeah were gonna sell our old house and move in here. Were getting over 90 grand from that house which should help out during the time my ma can't work. Yeah I think my chances of getting a PS3 this christmas our getting higher.



I like participating in roleplays (I'm not usually too keen on sharing that information in real life.) and I've just created a new character for a union I recently joined. Heres a link if your interested: The Strategist Park. Anyway this particulor character is in the Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts universe:

Name: Yerul

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Species: Hume

Job: Red Mage

Appearance: Spiky black hair similar to Sora from Kingdom Hearts. He has a long old scar running down his face. He often wears a red blood stained bandana with silver knight armor.

Powers: Yerul is a swordsman who can sometimes hover when in combat. He is an expert in the use of fire but rarely uses it. He can also use some lightning.

Weaknesses: Yerul is extremely weak when it comes to fire, more mentally than physically.

Weapon: Uses a Red Blade known as Ayina which does lightning damage.

Family Info: He remembers having a Mother, Sister, and Father

The Prologue: Yerul is a boy who witnessed his entire village being burned to the ground by Orc Warriors at the age of six. He has vowed vengeance. He is also following a rumor that his sister may still be alive.

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

I decided to post this blog now cause I'll be busy playing my new game later on. Today I'm going to get Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for my PC. For thoose few of you who don't know what The Elder Scrolls is, it's basically Final Fantasy only you create your character and don't really have a party. The great thing about this one in particular is the PC versions cheats and mods (Just for the record I usually don't cheat). I mean in how many other games can you create your own custommaps. Anyway yeah needless to say I'll be quite busy tonight and maybe tommorow. Wow I feel like Christopher Colombus, I just discovered something everybody else already knew about.See you guys later.


Need a Banner

I usually don't use blogs to ask for stuff, but could someone make me a banner please? I know i've only been on here like 3 or 4 days but I'm already tired of that default banner. If anyone is interested in making me one could you lean towards an Elder Scrolls, Fable, Kingdom Hearts, and/or Final Fantasy theme. As a reward you will have my undying gratitude. Thank You


Real Life Achievments

Microsoft has to be one of the smartest gaming companies out there. By creating achievments they've made billions off of people who buy there games just to getAchievments. So for my second blog on this site I've decided to make a list of achievments that will hopefully motivate people to get out thereand make something of themeselves.

Acheivement Name-Score-Description

Welcome to the world-10g-Be born without defect to Unlock this Achievement

Basic Training-15g-Learn to use the bathroom, walk, and talk toUnlock this Achievement

RRR-10g-Learn to read, write, andbasic math skills to Unlock this Achievement

PK-5g-Succesfullycomplete Pre-Kindertergarten to Unlock this Achievement

K-5g-Succesfullycomplete Kindergarten to Unlock this Achievement

1-10g-Succesfullycomplete First Grade to Unlock this Achievement

2-10g-Succesfully complete Second Grade to Unlock this Achievment

3-10g-Succesfully complete Third Grade to Unlock this Achievement

4-10g-Succesfully complete Fourth Grade to Unlock this Achievement

5-10g-Succesfully complete Fifth Grade to Unlock this Achievement

E-5g-Succesfully complete Elementry school to Unlock this Achievement

6-20g-Succesfully complete Sixth Grade to Unlock this Achievement

7-20g-Succcesfully complete Seventh Grade to Unlock this Achievement

8-20g-Succesfully complete Eighth Grade to Unlock this Achievement

M-10g-Succesfully complete Middle School to Unlock this Achievement

9-40g-Succesfully complete Ninth Grade to Unlock this Achievement

10-40g-Succesfully complete Tenth Grade to Unlock this Achievement

11-40g-Succesfully complete Eleventh Grade to Unlock this Achievement

12-80g-Succesfully complete Twelveth Grade to Unlock this Achievement

H-20g-Succesfully complete High School to Unlock this Achievement

C-160g-Succesfully complete College to Unlock this Achievement

Drunk-40g-Become drunk to Unlock this Achievement

Sex-20g-Succesfully have sex to Unlock this Achievement

BFF-10g-Succesfully make a Freind to Unlock this Achievement

L-360g-Succesfully complete Law School to Unlock this Achievement

M-360g-Succesfully complete Medical School to Unlock this Achievement

Die-400g-Succesfully die to Unlock this Achievement

Feel free to add any to my list

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