@UrbanMessiah: Last time Ubisoft developers tried to push a propaganda game like this Ubisoft told them to stop twice and then sacked all leads on the project. That game became Rainbow Six: Siege. After Watch Dogs 2 failed, they might legitimately just cancel this game or put it into development hell.
More people are going to hate ubisoft for yet another politics ridden game than Christians. Vivendi will probably ax this game if the buyout goes through before release.
@renegade67rick: At this point, If I decide to ever buy a Bethesda developed product again, it is going to be immediately on the PC. I'm not going to wait forever again for them to fix a broken game.
@nadsat-77: Thankfully Fallout 4 sold less than New Vegas. Still turned a profit, but that's why they weren't super chipper about it in their post DLC interviews.
@Warlord_Irochi: It's considered the best because it's mechanics hold up throughout time. Dead Rising 2 improved in some areas, but overall got old and didn't have an iconic story like the first one did. You played as Chuck Green, get zombrex for your daughter, corporate conspiracy, ending. Three was disastrous to the point where it even mocked gamers with a villain and is considered the worse in the series.
Meanwhile 1 has that kind of ridiculous, but grounded in its universes lore story. You were Frank West a reporter who was trying to bust a huge scoop about zombies overrunning a mall. Through your actions you uncovered the events of Santa Cabeza, saved about 50 people, fought through the military for your own safety and then escaped and revealed the story to the world. All the while going up against people who snapped under the events of the outbreak, each with a very legitimate if not over the top feel to them. A grounded over the topness if you will.
To facilitate this narrative you took pictures that were graded of zombies, of special events, of psychos. All aiming toward one goal uniting the narrative and the gameplay into one package. That's why it is considered the best in the series.
@smokerob79: Releasing a new console every other year is Microsofts new strategy instead of numbered installations of the Xbox. They're modeling it off of the phone market.
@smokerob79: 1) There is only so far optimizing gets you, and most developers and publishers do not optimize well enough that without the processing power they'll be able to manage native 4k at that limited of processing power.
2) They've said 6 Teraflops, either they increase that or 4k isn't happening regardless of the other components.
3) That only ensures games look nice and can have some extra bells and whistles. DX12 also has competition that is being endorsed by numerous companies. IE Volkan that is already outperforming DX12 in some areas. DX12 does not ensure all games will render at 4k.
4) Bad argument. Most Publishers without incentives are not going to magically become altruistic and dedicate huge budgets to 4k games on Scorpio. That's simply not going to happen when they can be upscaled on the Pro. Publishers want the cheapest route and the amount of streamlining and optimizing for Scorpio's limited processing power isn't going to be worth the meager sales returns.
5) Yes the make cheap hardware and none of the cheap stuff renders 4k natively.
Outside Xbox Fanboys I don't see that much excitement for microsoft's plans to incrementally roll out new consoles like phones. People buy consoles so they don't have to bother with the upgrading that PCs require. Its nice to sit down and plug in a console and just play it. Having to constantly update is not going to go over all that well.
@louixiii: I think they're talking out their arse. Attempting to build hype for the Scorpio but releasing limited information as this console will either A) Upscale like the PS pro but they're going to try to get it to render it natively before going upscaling, or B) will be DoA because of an exorbitant price. Given that they keep saying Premium I think they're going for the exorbitant price route.
It's not impossible, but there is no way they're going to be able to make it happen at a reasonable price. To be fair they won't have the games to push it either.
Kevin75's comments