what is a good water type, also can anyone tell me where dratini is, i dont know what waterfall the faq tlaks about, and is jolteon better than luxray?carnage0319
It's in the snow area of mont coronet, I have some if you're interested
I'm looking out for a Larvitar, so if anyone has one to spare send me a PM with your wanted Pokemon (Or I'll just type out a list of all the ones I have).YoruSen
I got some, hatched or egg. What pokemon are u offerning, can you list what you have.
can anyone tell me wheree i get rock climb? i beat the 7th gym and i beat team galactic and ready to go to mt. coronet to het dialga but i dont have rock climb.G_W_13
[QUOTE="Asianboi878"]Up for trade: tm26, tm30, tm59, Miltank, Magby, Elekid, I have one magmarizer, but probably not trading it. A lot, a lot of other pokemon in my profile. Looking for leftovers, sorta. PM me if you want to trade. We'll trade tomorrow.BurnoutAddict
what do you want for magby
If you can't wait until tomorrow Killer, I can get you a Magby.
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