First off it isn't "basically" a computer... it is a computer. As is Xbox One, as is PS3, as is PS2, as is PS1. They all use computer technology. The new generation consoles use same format of memory, processors and graphic cards as P". However its specs match that of a high end gaming PC, not mid-range stuff you'd find from Gateway at a Best Buy.
And here is the most important part, this is a console. It is MADE to play GAMES. A game will run smoother on a console than a PC with 2x the specs. Why? Because you are running Windows with about 30-40 processes in the background, each one require a % of your over all memory.
PS4 costs $400.00 vs a $800.00 PC with similar specs. For similar gaming performance as a PS4 you would need a $1,600.00 PC.
F*ck you Square! They shut down the remake of Chrono Trigger in 3D as well... It isn't costing them any money and the fans want it. They just don't want others to "potentially" profit off of their "intellectual property".
KidKupo's comments