If anything, this review is a testament towards Gamespot's credibility. After all, we all know what happened the last time they gave out a bad score to a game with a big publisher and a lot of money behind it..
Kilew's forum posts
Babby's first troll. Don't think you've accomplished anything here. There's always a few mentally disabled people lingering, especially on this website.
You guys are probably the ones who really are geeks, and get picked on continuosly in life, so you like to get on message boards and YouTube and be complete d-cks for no reason, and get off to it, because if you did it in real life to someone's face, you know you'd get the sh*t beat out of you. So you take your anger out on people like me. It's okay, go ahead, I understand now, I feel bad for you both.
Funny. They're not the ones butthurt by a videogame. Oh sorry, not even a videogame, a videogame review. Now that is pathetic.
Might as well call it Quick Time Event: The Game
I used to have exactly the same processor (E6850) as yourself and the bottleneck with a GTX 570 was quite bad.
Can't be that bad if you've been playing it for 3 days.
Doom. Still nothing has surpassed it.
Yeah... I seriously doubt people didn't buy the game specifically because they might not have been able to sell it. When I purchase a game my first concern is can I sell it?vashkey
Dat triple negative
Generally try and avoid playing games that are notoriously bad but two turds caught me by surprise lately.
Pariah - Bad story, bad controls, bad ai, linear narrow corridors with a ridiculous amount of invisible walls and hopelessly derivative weapons (One level in particular which is just a blatant rip-off of the half-life 2 gravity gun). Hearing the enemies spurt the same cheesy drivel every 5 seconds was also gut-wrenchingly abhorrent.
Medal of Honor Allied Assault - Played this for the first time recently and it's clear to see just how far shooters have come in the past ten years. Even the first call of duty released just 2 years later is infinitely better. The enemy ai is just shocking and you will die continuously. They can 'see' and shoot you from the other side of a 100 yard map and have perfect aim. You can be hid behind something out of their view and hear the bullets 'ping' off the surface in front of you. Also had cases of enemies running through walls and respawning right behind me. There was one level in particular where snipers would be hid behind trees or in tiny little alcoves that were impossible to see even with a scope. I would have to autosave after killing each enemy and let myself be shot in the hope of seeing the muzzle flash from where I was being shot. Actually threw my headphones at something after getting so frustrated with this game.
Gonna throw my hat into the ring.
Get a GTX 570/560Ti or HD6950 depending on which games you want to play. The Corsair 550w should be enough as it's a quality power supply but won't satisfy any future upgrades. OC the Q6600 because it will be bottlenecked at stock, and if your motherboard is locked just pick up another LGA775 one cheap from Ebay.
Other upgrades would cost alot of money for smaller performance gains.
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