(I cant play M games) Ok i'll start tell me if i need to add any or take off a game. LocoRoco 2, Patapon 2, Killzone: Liberation, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Daxter, Prince of Persia: Rival Swords(I love it on the PS3), Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce,Crisis Core FF7, LittleBigPlanet, Kingdom of Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Starocean: Second Evolution, Crash- from PSN store, MGS plus, Ratchet and Clank Bundle with PSP or if another cool bundle comes out ill get that, and PlayGear Pocket. I know I have a mix of rpgs and 2 shooters but those are my 2 favorite genres. So tell me if i need to add or take off a game i can get 3 more. I know you guys have thought I have a PSP right now but i don't. And by the way thats my Christmas List. And it's only February. But I wanna get this years Christmas List finished. Cuz i will really like all of those games (I think) lol.
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