There are some people out there who don't can someone save the game on their harddrive and play without disks..... i remember some post over the internet about someone getting free games and playing it off their harddrives. So it's possible
It woud be pretty cool is somewhere in the future, we could have some crazy ass disk memory space. But that doesn't mean that it will have monster graphics just alot of contents. But i wouldn't mind playing an awesome game that would last for the rest of my life hahha, perhaps Killzone 2 will be a runner up?
I have both the pc and ps3. In my oppinion i mainly play consoles, because i don't have to worry about constantly getting new parts for my PC because i want the most beastly pc ever just to play all the new craziest game on high end graphics. I stopped doing that a long time ago.
Bottom line, just get a PS3, you can't go wrong with that. It has blueray, and many other things that i like about it.
Wow dude..... the PS3 is already as low as it could get. It already has Wifi in it, if you want that for the xbox it'll cost you another 100$. It's PSN is free.... and not mention that it has blueray and plays video games!!! How is 400$ not a good enough price already? Jeez freakin idoits, you fanboys needa stop hating on the PS3
I've had the game downloaded since yestarday..... I used a code i got from an email to download it off marketplace. They sent me 2 codes. I'm not sure if it's out to be downloaded freely for everyone
WOOOO!!! Same here lol, alls i'm missing is MAG (Massive action game) but i'm not, i've read an article saying theres a rumor that MAG might be a subscription required game. And that would S*CK BALLS
Same here buddy!! The headset is awesome, fits perfect into each ear and you can even mold it into the perfect position for all your needs, Plus the dock is a nice add.... looks really nice.
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