You are gonna ruin our investment. Therefore you are fired but you should do it as resign. So we won't need to humiliate anymore. And by the way we are undoing what you were going to do.
Many people are calling Microsoft a money hungry a$$holes. They don't realize how much money hungry $ONY is. They have ripped me off on their cameras and TV's and also VITA. So both of them are corporate as they get.
@Zoza24 @KilltheFANBOYS Well why does PSN has to be pulled down for maintenance? Can't they do without pulling it out? Another reason PSN was weak compared to LIVE.
@Mendax2013 @KilltheFANBOYS Flawless huh then why does the game always throw me out from a match for no reason. Why does the bluetooth headset that I bought has been giving me toilet level sound? I own only PS3 and that's why because it does not break like 360.
With all these promises SONY will fall short to some of the promises like giving better online experience than LIVE. Now they saw no other option rather than just paying for online.
KilltheFANBOYS's comments