@Dannystaples14 @Jdzspace This I like. Cheers DannyS This has been my thinking since the announcements at the beginning of the year. I'm excited about what the Xbox One will achieve.. there so much potential. Just because it's not used right away shouldn't worry us.. remember what the 360 was when it first came out and now see what it supports! The PS4 is the most powerful machine, no doubts there, but is the most forward looking? We'll check back in ten years.
@Jdzspace Actually I agree with DannyS - the overwhelming negativity towards the Xbox One has turned me off the Playstation (I don't know why - some psychological thing probably - we'll let Cam investigate that one). My Xbox One has satisfied me (For now) I like talking to it and, like the Mrs it listens most of the time!
I won't deny that there are Xbox trolls that burst into the forums on PS4 and spout nonsense to get a reaction - but the overwhelming amount of people that do the same in any news report / forum that mentions the xbox makes me not want to associate with the console those kinds of people support. I have faith in both companies and I will be patient with the xbox one - I've seen how things have progressed in the last generation and I am sure that I will be seeing some quality graphics soon. Admittedly not as soon as I hoped! - but that's one of the things I should expect by being a first adopter. I'm cool with it.
@Sevenizz Show me proof then. If you know of recent proven and documented evidence. And I mean evidence - not someone whinging about something they didn't like. If you can't find it then sometimes it just means it doesn't exist!
@Apathy4Marmite @Kilpers13 @garysingh34 @Swan_Ronson8475 And I agree - each to their own weapon of choice. PC and mouse will wipe the floor with me each and every day - and I am at peace with that fact!
@Apathy4Marmite @garysingh34 @Swan_Ronson8475 Ok so I *wisely* chose my specs for a £1000 pc at Christmas because I wanted a gaming PC (long time saving money btw). I now have over 110 games on Steam (those bloody sales!) - however I game mostly on my 360 as the interface and controller is easier and the online matchmaking 'seems' to work better and the graphics are good enough (considering they're running on 8 year old tech). I fully understand peoples views about PC vs Console - I feel like I have a overpriced internet browser!
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