@Alucard_Prime @popegtr You both have good and valid points here - however you should consider that maybe the XB1 would lack some of its innovative features that exist purely because they can gaurentee this time that every box would have a Kinect connected all the time, every time. That opens up options. (Annnnnnnnd now I sound like a paid blogger!) :-p
@Ahiru-San @JimmiCottam That's a good point - people are talking about the XBone more than PS4... it's in everyone's conscience, it's on every front page (of gamer places), it made the BBC news, Guardian websites (substantial editorials for the UK market). This furlore has (kinda) helped MS from the start. At the end of the day people with money are going to buy these consoles and those people are not always the same people who frequent the gaming forums making noise.
However, there will be something of a trade-off for gamers.
Microsoft had planned to allow customers to "trade" downloaded games online in exchange for money off new titles. The change of stance means that gamers will no longer be able to do this - something gamers may regret in the future, one analyst suggested.
"It could be a case of 'you asked for too much, and you got what you asked for'," said Brian Blau from Gartner."
Kilpers13's comments