That's an opinion. There is no objective truth value. An opinion can't be dead wrong. Don't you know the difference between opinion and fact? Pretty sad if you don't as that's pretty basic stuff.
Secondly, a review can't refute an opinion because it is a nothing more than an opinion itself.
The only one that's a fanboy is you as you confuse subjectivity for objectivity and you can't accept differences of opinion.
BTW, I thought both games had bland city design.
LOL, yes, thank you for explaining what we are talking about is an opinion, so very helpful. But where have I said my opinion is fact? You appear to be making phantom arguments, no one is claiming their argument is fact and not opinion, so drawing attention to this is really dumb, redundant, and adds nothing to the discussion. By the same token, you never distinguished your view as an opinion, not fact ( although why one would do this stupid act is only known to you), thus by your own argument you are a hypocrite. Regardless, distinguishing something as opinion, when its obviously one, and disqualifying it for this reason is something a 3rd grader would do. Yes I know its an opinion, and I think your opinion is completely wrong. And I'm not the only one, since reviews would agree with me. And the point of referring to reviews is that every single professional review i have read claims the exact opposite, there is a consensus. If you cannot even understand why using the almost unanimous consensus of professionals might bolster ones argument, I don't have time to deal with your autism.It seems that I've touched a nerve because you've been reduced to shrieking incoherence.
First of all, you did present your opinion as fact. You said that a review could refute an opinion when the review itself is an opinion. This implies that you believe that a review is an objective standard that renders that opinion wrong. If you think that somehow opinions can be robbed of their legitimacy by a bunch of opposing opinions, you must think that there's something objective about those opposing opinions.
Also, instead of saying that you strongly disagree with the opinion for the following reasons, you said it was dead wrong, meaning is has negative truth value.
I simply stated my opinion. I never said the opinions of others are wrong. I never tried to laughably use another opinion to refute another.
It's clear that you were spewing your opinion as fact, but now that I reminded you of the basic difference between objectivity and subjectivity, you are trying to backpeddal with a laughably incoherent post.
LOL. Seriously are you in the third grade? "It's clear that you were spewing your opinion as fact." That is your best argument? I'm spewing opinion as fact? You are hung up on one word, refute, but this is inconsequential since ONCE AGAIN, I know you are slow, we are obviously talking about opinion.Not only this I have told you as clearly as possible, I never argued it has fact, but as opinion, yet your autistic mind is hung up one word "refute", good job using that brain of yours. How could this even possibly argued as fact? It doesn't make sense, neither does anything you argue. Its all meaningless.
Since you cannot actually argue your point on merit this is what you argue? When have I once said my opinion is fact? Saying someone elses opinion is wrong, just means I think their opinion is wrong, even if I use the words dead wrong.
If you think the city design in Infamous is blander than in Prototype you are dead wrong. See, not very complex.
Just as you think others opinion is wrong, if you didn't you would share their opinion, but you obviously don't in this case. I'm not surprised at this line of argument really, exatcly what I would expect from someone who has thousands of posts on a videogame forum.
Once again, I know all you must do is play videogames, so it is not possible to argue what someone likes as a fact! It is simply impossible to accuse someone of claiming their preference as fact.
One again, you want to tell me I'm wrong. But telling " all opinions are correct" is retarded. We're not in the third grade.
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