Once you get a desent mouse no matter how old(mines a Logitech MX518 ) theres just no need to buy a new one.I'll have to wait for this one too break & being Logitech that might be a while.
Sony have a great machine thats been hobbled by greedy arragont choices Put in a blueRay disc instead of a DVD drive.Given the choice who would pay 300 pounds less(I don't want HD DVD player I want to play games!) nearly everyone.Sony don't give the choice..RAMMED DOWN UR THROAT!!...PAY UP!!!! Delay launch to the Europeans..give them a price break..NO PAY UP!!! Downgrade the spec,save money....O yer LESS spec...pay break NO!!! PAY UP!!! IF they gave the CUSTOMER what they wanted a DVD powered afordable machine MS would be history ,250 buck PS3 with no delays..NO..GIVE them the machine we want ,tag any Unrealted Format we want to promote ,FORCE IT ON THEM. THEN MAKE THEM PAY FOR IT..they wil buy it ..they will PAY UP!! MS designed their product around their customers. Ps3 is designed round what Sony want 1st,their Customers second. Were Sony..thay have no choice THEY WILL PAY!!! Pure 100% Arragont behavior!!
The 360 will be coming up to its second Udate with a full HDMI socket and quiter fan,The FAB making the PowerPC chipset are going to a smaller die.Less money more chips per wafer. Microsoft were about to drop the price of the 360's..they haven't. With Sony being so inept they don't have to. Bill gates must be laughing so hard he must be wetting his pants.. Sony are his New best friends LOL.
Looks like a nice system. Just dump the Blue Ray drive and stick a DvD drive in it. Then sell it for 300 bucks less. RESULT..NO delays..everyone and there mother would buy one. And MS would be well...in deep Do Do. I HAVEN'T seen one person say "BLUE RAY 300 bucks MORE!!!!..I'm Stoked!!" I just w anna play the games for gods sake. Its not like theres gonna be any games using Blue Ray for a hell of a long time.By then I'll buy whoever win the HD war....I remember Betamax :P
Sony PS3 is not a mass gaming console..not at 600 bucks. If they stuck a DVD drive in it and charged 299 bucks it would be a games machine. I DONT want to pay 300 bucks for a Blue Ray HD Video machine. I just want to play the b'''{***y games. If they gave us a Games console plain and simple we would be playing with PS3's now and MS would be sweating I dislike MS but at least they give you a choice,it not because they love us. Its beacuse they are professional and know their market They dont go out of their way to Naff off their customer base. Sony just blunder along,try to ram down there Blue Ray standard down everyones THROAT. If they gave us a choice the DVD cheaper Ps3s would all be buying DVD PS3s. And thou Blue Ray Ps3s would just be gathering dust on the shelf. Maybe they could put them in the same landfill the stuck all their BetaMax recorders. Ps£ should be about the games NOT making me pay DOUBLE the money for something I Dont even want. Im just annoyed because...well I just want to play the games. Which is why I like Nintendo and even (with regreat) take my hat off to MS. They give their customer WHAT they want..not what they want to give them.
The main diff' is the cash I spent. I got my copy of Prey 19.99. The X-box360s 39.00 "JUMPING JAHOSIFA!!!" The same PC games are SO much cheaper its not funny. If you wait you get them EVEN cheaper. I got Serious Sam 2 for 3 pounds!!!! http://www.woolworths.co.uk/ww_p2/product/index.jhtml?pid=50494187 MADNESS!!! Give it 4 months their in the bargain bucket.
I have a 2x 64 3800.I had it overclocked to a 4200 mhz rate. I had my 7800GTX over clocked too. But I reset them...I dont need it that fast. In games and real life use it makes no difference. WHY do I need a more powerfull CPU?? It does everything now,No game I cant play,no app' I can't use. If I need to upgrade I need a KILLER App'. Till then,for the whenever that happens who cares. Just wait for the lower stuff to get cheaper. Soon they will be giving it away.
I work of a electrical wholesaler. That may not mean alot to most people but were in the buz of buying and selling large amounts of anything electrical.That incudes eveything from Rolls of cable to Plasma Screens and Yep Ps2's and Xboxs. Sony are a canny company,they rare'ly put a foot wrong. And I'm real interested in the Blu Ray drive. But If the rep from MS saw this he would bust a gut. :P Its the best know secret in the industry that MS have the leeway for another price drop,if they do that at cristmas they will nail Sony up as a Yuletide decoration. Sony will have to bring down the price..they won't let MS stuff them like that even if it costs them a bit to start with. No one likes to get the heck kicked out of them. Sony aren't any different ,it will be cost them but they will not keep that price.
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