This generation was too short, I barely reach a 20 game library for the PS4 contrary to the almost 100 games I own for my PS3, hope Sony plan really a next gen console instead an upgraded one just like this, both Sony and Microsoft make that mistake.
@Sindroid: Hell yeah, that statment of the Trinity "cleaning the world and make it a better place" sounds exactly as the cult in Rise of the Tomb Raider.
I started the game yesterday, and my first complain is that you begin like you came late to the opening titles, it's like someone started the game a few hours ago and give you the controller, it feels weird because you don't know why Lara is looking for that temple, who are the Trinity, what they want, and most of all why are they the "bad guys", its a dissconected experience the first two hours, I don't know if later the story is explained but at first glance, it feels like the developers wanted to make us feel like we missed half of the game. I agree with the reviwer about the dislike on Lara's attitude, she looks so selfish and obsessed with the Trinity that in one ponit I believe she is the villain. Shame, the game looked so good in the previews.
@chemicalegypt: The point is you can play and have fun with a game with good mechanics but if you can't play with your favorite team, that change your experience, you can't pretend (for example) been a champion in a fake league with fake teams. I understand your argument but many players, I included, want the entire experience, I want to grab any licenced team and play an exhibition game or an entire season with my favorite league without pretending "oh this team is Manchester United instead Man Red".
Just think about a football game (NFL) without real teams. It wasn't be the same as much the gameplay was good. Thats my point. If you only care about gameplay, fine, but a complete experience for me is with real teams and leagues.
KiriharaZro's comments