This happens when you leave your most important sagas in hands of people who don´t understand them, It happend with Silent Hill and now with Castlevania, I would say next is MGS but Kojima is destroying it by himself. No more great games from Konami anymore, the "new" generation of games and consoles its just empty and lame
I agree with the part of "Burning Skies is not a pretty game" after seeing what Guerrilla Cambridge do with Killzone Mercenary, Burning Skies looks like a PS2 game and, when in the Resistace series a Chimera explodes with the Bullseye?
Youre right but most of all that games were first party games, and eventually I was tired of playing Mario games, the N64 wasn't supported by third parties and now we see the same with Wii U, just Mario games over and over again.
"Some games can get away with using the same formula"
like what? GTA? MGS? RE? those games only have improvments in gameplay thats all, just like this Batman game has, new gadgets like the shocking gloves just like Snake make summersaults in MGS2, things that couldn't do in MGS1 for example
KiriharaZro's comments