wow defending the Micro$hit machine at all costs, you dont want to see that those words are offensive for many people "dont have access to internet, no problem we have the old generation for you" if you applaud that kick to the gamers then you are the poor dumb lame consumer piece of shit, because you support a company that throws you shit and spit to your face moron.
"Die monster, you dont belong in this world" LOL exact words of Richter Belmont to Dracula in the opening of Symphony of the Night.... lame. And is this a meme? "Hes a vampire... he cant fly but can die when fall in abyss" LOL and dont this knight looks exactly as the angelic knights of DMC4 just golden?
" Soooo if you're poor you're out of next generation but not worry, there is a shiting machine called Xbox 360 that you can use for offline gaming, we aren't interested in you, poor consumer lame piece of shit, because only those with internet connection are our goals, and of course those with soooo many money they want to throw it to us for a box that do everything a regular PC can do, so don't worry, enjoy the Xbox 360 while we gets more rich in the next generation"
KiriharaZro's comments