Seems like the entire AAA industry is seeing high-profile departures and the like all over the place. No idea if something's up with Sony, but I'm more getting the impression that Hennig and Richmond just wanted to do other things. The people that made Uncharted 2 and The Last of Us are still there to my knowledge though, so I'm not too worried about Naughty Dog's future.
Kiro0's forum posts
Last five years? Probably Nier, Assassin's Creed IV, Dark Souls, Heart Gold. Maybe Mass Effect 3 and The Witcher 2. Demon's Souls is arguably past the five year cutoff. Could probably think of others I liked more as well. As far as Zelda music goes I wouldn't rate it terribly highly either, probably. Still better than average for most video game music that's for sure.
I'd like to see Infamous score a nice solid decent 8.0 and see cows act like it's the end of the world.
Seems more like it's been the Xbox fans insisting that the Playstation fans were actually hyped more than they voted to hype the game and are now upset it met said hype. So basically the same as ever for every exclusive in System Wars.
The ending is absolutely amazing from a thematic point of view and I felt it was executed perfectly. People are shitty and selfish, that's the reality of the world. Just about anyone who had bonded with Ellie like Joel had would choose her over the rest of the world, especially the shitty future world Joel lived in. After endings that gave me mixed feelings (Bioshock Infinite) or downright sucked (Mass Effect 3) in other recent story-driven titles, it was really refreshing to get an ending that felt so perfect.
So probably closer to 20-25 hours, got it.
@PAL360: Nope, I didn't play it just giving you the info I have :P People didn't seem to mind it much though as the game apparently looks good in any setting. Not sure if after you beat the story you can change the time of day at will or not.
Ah ok, thanks for the help!
Just another question for those who are playing the game. Is the exploration rewarding? Are there many collectables in the game? I like to free roam and explore every corner in these games :P
Haven't played it but the last two had a ton of collectables to get so I'd be disappointed if they cut down on that. Don't disappoint me Sucker Punch.
Actually looks like PS4 likely still held the UK even despite the boost Titanfall gave the Xbone. Sucks for XBox fanboys playing sales.
Demon's Souls is the only one that doesn't frustrate me with my deaths. They always felt fair and deserved and a lot of the time in Dark Souls and Dark Souls II I get deaths that feel cheap or unfair. As a result I never finished Dark Souls and probably won't finish Dark Souls II, whereas I finished Demon's Souls at least 3 times, though I forget exactly how many now.
Still waiting on reviews but considering how much I enjoyed the first two and how pretty it looks damn am I tempted to get a PS4.
Already got Titanfall and my roommates are picking up Dark Souls 2 for the PS3 tomorrow. Gonna be a fun Spring Break next week.
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