Cena is going to be on Best Week Ever tonight on VH1 at 11 PM. Jericho has been on for a long time already, so look for him, too. They discuss events of the week with a humorous twist.
Undertaker - 2 1/2 Trish, Lita and Victoria - 1. What with all the bimbos and sluts coming in, there is no competition left for them.
WWE is bringing up a couple of OVW woman wrestlers, so it's only a matter of time before Women's Division picks up again. Also, Molly Holly might come back, she is supposedly helping out her sister or something. Vince told her the door is always open for her
Okay, I've made a animated sig in Imageready, but it won't let me save optimized as a.gif. The choices are .jpg, .html, and .html (Images and HTML) Anyone know why this is happening? Edit: Nevermind, it works
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