That's the one thing you envy 360 users for? What about their exclusives, the superior online service, etc.? I own all the systems so I envy nooone! Actually scratch that, I do envy those that were smart enough not to buy the Virtual Boy or the 3DO! lol.[QUOTE="Klofle"]
And that is the ability to change their gamertag. I would love to change my psn id.
Superior online service? Let's see, you have party chat and cross game chat. I wouldnt use that a lot because i only like to talk with people im playing with. I don't see too much difference between online. Maybe 360 is a bit faster but they are pretty much egual in speed. And you don't have a bunch of exclusives, not like the ps3. my brother has a 360, and i played it a lot before i got my ps3, so i kinda have experience on both as well. Halo is awsome, ill admit that, but with bungie leaving, that's up in the air. You have others like gears, and the such, but few that hold my interest.
PS: It's not an exclusive if it's on pc. (Halo, Gears, Mass Effect 2, etc.\\\\0
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