Klokateer's forum posts
I GOT ONE!!! HAHA!! FINALLY! I found one at Wal-Mart. You're right though Sears still has 'em too for now.
Does anyone know where I might be able to find a PS3 near northwest Oregon other than Amazon? I don't care if it's slim, fat, 120gb, 250gb, etc. as long as it's new.
personally I think this BS is gonna cost Sony alot of potential buyers. If I didn't have my heart set of God of War III, I'd just stop looking. Damn my bloodlust...
where would that be?
I can't find any new ones here in Astoria, OR either. I've been looking for 2 months. Nowhere has them online that I've found. I've checked K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Sears, Toy 'R' Us, Gamestop, Fred Meyers, BJ's (has them, but only in bundles), FYE, Fry's Electronics, Newegg, Costco, even Sony Style is sold out! I know Amazon has them but they're like $500. Some places have the 250gb slim occasionally but still not much. Really pisses me off cuz I pre-ordered God of War III and now I won't be able to play it...ultimate edition too. I even got it from Gamestop and I hate those dicks. I'm considering cancelling the order and going with a 360 instead...which I would hate to do only because of how much I love God of War...also I've heard 360's have a fail-rate of 56% and climbing and PS3's fail-rate is about 5% or so. I'd prefer a 60gb or 80gb fatboy but I will settle for a 120gb slim at this point. Only reason I don't want the 250gb is the extra $50, it's expensive enough as it is. Just a second controller will cost me $55.
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