@Kevin-V Thank you yet again. I just watched more from Digital Foundry and saw it dip down to 10fps which is ridiculous. This looks like it was in the process of streaming the indoor environment. I know you guys have to compete with other review sites and get the written review up first, even if there is no video review. It's just nice to know you guys are willing to defend the reviewer while waiting on the video review. It's quite rare these days.
Can't wait to see what GameSpot says about Ryse and Forza 5! Next-gen is here. Woo-hoo!
@Kevin-V Thank you Kevin. Awesome that you replied. I'll have a look. I just looked at it and it almost looks like the frame rate dips with particle effects, like fire. It's not too bad but it really should not be going below 30fps at all. This IS next-gen and people are laying down $500 to experience a next-gen game. Even watching it now, it stills looks like a riot though!
@gilldominic I'm confused though. The video they have posted in this very review shows free-roam gameplay in a vehicle with a ton of zombies onscreen, all of them getting crushed, and NO framerate stutters at all. GameInformer has reported there are no frame rate problems. And why isn't there a video review to actually show us frame rate problems...?
@denhoffi I just find it so strange how a game (we aren't even talking about comparisons here between platforms) can be played by 2 different people and the performance is THIS wildly different. I mean, it's not like GameInformer said there were SOME framerate issues. They said it never hiccuped once. It gets to the point where I do NOT trust these reviewers (speaking about both GameSpot and GameInformer).
Anyway, I know from previous video coverage of this game that it has had framerate problems so I am more on the side of what GameSpot says. I am honestly expecting it, but hopefully it is not extreme. Plus, the previous DR entries have had performance issues. Either way, they were fun games.
And yes, 7 is a decent rating. Plenty of 7 games of the past that are still great! :)
I can understand different opinions, but reviewers are playing this on the exact same system (the Xbox One) and GameInformer says, "The framerate never hiccuped once, even when steamrolling through dense crowds of zombies and sending limbs flying."
So, what the hell is up with this? I seriously have lost hope in reviews these days.
I will judge for myself as always. Otherwise, it just looks like a ton of fun with a friend. That's what gaming is about.
@Nibraybirk Actually, I play most on the Xbox 360 and I am pissed by Microsoft. What they are doing is actually very wrong in so many ways. Only true (and crazy) fanatics can defend this. I understand being upset, but not fanatical. Not only have they implemented MANY policies, but many of them can be damaging in so many ways - including the actual economy. While stores are already hurting, pulling used games from the physical market will means a ton of lost jobs. If Xbox owners support this, it is similar to supporting an economic crisis. It's quite unimaginable. Online-only means that rural areas do not have access to a SINGLEPLAYER game...and on and on I can continue. And the Kinect can't see you all the time guys...but it can hear you (haha).
They're harming their own customers - people! I love my Xbox 360...but just because I play mostly on it doesn't mean I don't love the PS3/PC. Hell, I'm playing The Last of Us now and my favorite franchise is in fact Uncharted. It's just a matter of friends owning the Xbox 360...
tl;dr: Buying the PS4. Very simple. Fanatics in any medium/religion/political party suck.
@Nibraybirk Actually, I play most on the Xbox 360 and I am pissed by Microsoft. What they are doing is actually very wrong in so many ways. Only true (and crazy) fanatics can defend this. I understand being upset, but not fanatical. Not only have they implemented MANY policies, but many of them can be damaging in so many ways - including the actual economy. While stores are already hurting, pulling used games from the physical market will means a ton of lost jobs. It's quite unimaginable. Online-only means that rural areas do not have access to a SINGLEPLAYER game...and on and on I can continue. And the Kinect can't see you all the time guys...but it can hear you (haha).
They're harming their own customers - the people! I love my Xbox 360...but just because I play mostly on it doesn't mean I don't love the PS3/PC. Hell, I'm playing The Last of Us now and my favorite franchise is in fact Uncharted. It's just a matter of friends owning the Xbox 360...
tl;dr: Buying the PS4. Very simple. Fanatics in any medium/religion/political party suck.
@imbarackobama Yes, it truly sounds like a damn nightmare. If, for example, I was on the team that worked on KOA: Reckoning and actually found out it sold pretty well (as in not in the negative, which it did) I'd be happy my position was secure. But we know how screwed up the gaming industry is. It just comes down to the few assholes running the whole show.
@branskamage Interesting you should mention Bayonetta. I really enjoyed Bayonetta and I think that Lollipop might be too silly for my taste (it isn't anything else). Though if it has rewarding combat, etc that is great. Bayonetta had some of the best combat (as we all know) and I actually found Bayonetta's relationship with the little girl interesting. And also, Bayonetta was a likeable character, which was great to see (even when compared to many Triple-A titles "badasses"). You'll have to let me know about this Lollipop chick in that regard - lol :D
KnightRobby's comments