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KoGfullmetal980 Blog

I'm Back?

Yes indeedy, been a while, school started and stuff, took a break.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas/Hanukkuah/etc. and New Years.

Got a couple new games: Prince of Persia, Rock Band 2(FTW!), Crisis Core, and a few others.

Made a new "Banner", its a really a banner, its for my XBOX, gonna make it the background, but I'll be working on a new banner for Gamespot, don't know what game yet though..any suggestions??

Uh..since I've gotten Rock Band 2, I've been beasting my way through drums, just beat "Painkiller" by Judas Priest today on Hard...what a song to play, jeez.

Other than that, I don't know, so good-bye.

Productive Week: Two Banners, V-Day Tribute, Gears of War 2 Insanity

Well, even though I don't get much comments on my blogs, no more than 3 most of the time, I enjoy talking about my week and whatnot. Even though it's Thursday night, I feel victorious tonight. I'll go topic-by-topic, let's start with my Images.

Well, I've got back into making banners, unfortuantly, the two I have made yesterday and today, are too big for Gamespot requirements, I mean only 50K max? well, for just regular members, that doesn't work for me. So I'll just show the two banners here, in my blog.


This is the one I made on Wednesday, and my personal favorite.

It might seem amateur to some people, but I like it, and think its cool.

Now here's one I just made and finish about 5 minutes ago, its another Gears one.

Brumak and Skorge vs. Marcus & Marcus vs. Corpser. Hmm...Wonder who will win?


Earlier today, I was thinking of something to make, and I thought of something to do with War. And then I remembered Veteran's was this past Tuesday, that gave me an idea, a tribute of some sort to all men and women who have served our country. Here it is.


Eh, I visioned it a lot better, but I still enjoy it, especially the Dog Tag, favorite part of the whole thing. Just a thanks to all who have served our country, 'preciate it.


So theres the Two Banners, and V-Day Tribute, now on to the Gears of War 2 Insanity.

Ah, tomorrow Gears has been out for a week, and I feel great! 700 Gamerscore already, and I will be beating Insane by the end of the week [I figured out a cheap way to beat it ... don't judge me] IT IS WAY TOO DIFFICULT TO BEAT IT ALONE, so I found out a way to do it...with only one person..pretty simple to figure out, I'll only tell you in a PM.

Me and couple of my LIVE pals beat Horde together, pretty damn fun with a full group, especially when we goofed around. Also, we had a 5v5 NO-BOTS Private Annex match on Mansion, that was just Insanity, literally. 10 guys swarming around Mansion with only Torque Bows without any dumb bots in the way. I had around 60 Torque Bow kills, and didn't care that we lost, it was just all for fun. Then the next day, me and 3 of my friends did an Annex on Gridlock, 3 rounds of ownage = 142 kills, 135 Torques, 6 Shotguns, 1 Grenade; that is a big accomplishment for me, I sucked with the Torque Bow in the first...and I'm proud to be honing the skills in that, but enough about talking about my personal achievements, I took some bad-ass pictures in GOW2. Here they are:

That last one is pretty gruesome....that's what happens from a Shotgun blast to the face...yeah...


If you have an XBOX 360 and have not tried this game, you must, it's amazing.

Alright, that's it for now, have a good weekend.

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Well, not Gears of War 2, thats for sure. I know the heading is somewhat corny...but it seemed better than 'hey, i got Gears 2'. Well, where to begin? Well as we all know, its the sequel to Gears of War, set 6 months after the ending of the first, and seems like Marcus and Dom are off to stop the locust once and for all!! [GASP], but I'm telling you what happens...thats just bad.

Gears 2 is pretty much the same as the first...but better in everything: graphics, gameplay, multiplayer!!!!, and new modes online. Horde is where you and four of your friends [total of 5] can team up to take on wave after wave of Locust with increasing difficulty, it seems stupid by yourself but get 2 or 3 friends and you'll have a blast. If you don't believe me, just look at this picture from earlier Horde.

My friend Rosco Parrish (left) and Mad Yodeler (right)

New enemies appear, AND THEY GOT RID OF THE EXPLODING WRETCHES!! even though they made something a lot worse than those....tickers....

The story is pretty easy...solid 10 hours it took to beat it on Hardcore, but Hardcore was like Casual on the first...disappointing..but Insane..well it speaks for itself. three rounds from a Lancer into your foot kills you...headshot kills you, beatdown kills you, if you aren't in cover[and sometimes IN cover], you WILL die...if you beat it on me out with it...I want to be a Suicide Missionary. The levels they ship with the game are pretty good, although some lack interest and excitement into the gameplay, also if you pre-order you received a "Thanks for being a fan" gift and receive 5 old maps, but renewed, which includes Canals and Gridlock.

Um, as for progression, I beat it on Hardcore, half with a friend, quarter by myself, then that quarter with my friend again, then the other quarter with another friend, yeah that seems confusing.

I have 34/50 acheivements, with a total of 560.

Beat Fable II

Beat it last night, what a disappointing ending...I won't give it away for those in the progress of beating it. I found all the silvery keys and gargoyles! I've obtained about 6 of the legendary weapons, if anyone has XBOX LIVE and wants one...holler at me, cuz I don't use them, I got my Master Axe with augments that equals ownage. I got The Enforcer, The Rammer, Rising Sun, The Maelstrom, The Calavera, The Hammerthyst, The Chopper, and I'm about to get The Daichi, so if you want one, let me know and I'll send it over LIVE. I've gotten about 40 of the achievement and over 700 Gamerscore in Fable II, about to get another hundred for the "Ruler of Albion" for the 2.5 million Real Estate Wealth, I got about 2 mil, if you want that achievement, let me know and I'll have you in my game when I get it. Overall, Fable II was a great game, I could never get skinny though...always was fat =[.

So Many Games....So Little Time

Usually October for me, I don't really get games, it's kinda like an "off-gaming" month, but this year was different.

Let us start off with all the new games I've played just in the month of October: Mercenaries 2, Dead Space, Fracture, Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise, Fable II, and LITTLE BIG PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you might assume from the Caps and the exclamation points, Little Big Planet was my favorite. I'm gonna talk about each one a little bit instead of writing reviews for each and every one....

Mercs 2: Well you're a merc that gets gipped outta your money and shot in the ass and now you want revenge...will who wouldnt? Mercs 2 is set in nice 'ol Venezuela, and you start out choosing 1 outta 3 characters you want to be, Nielsson, Jacobs, or the Chinese girl. You start with just the PMC [Private Military Corperation], and you go after the guy who cheats you out, as you explore Venezuela you unlock "Contracts" with UP, P.L.A.V., Pirates, US/UN, and the Chinese. The game offers a lot of gameplay, from the main missions, and the side missions and expanding the world around you.

Overall: Mercs 2 was a nice game, I rented it, and took about 20ish hours to beat, while that's including tons of side missions I did. 8.5/10

Dead Space: Who has seen the commercials?? You probably went 'LIKE LAWLZ OMG THAT GAME LOOKS SCARY!!!' HA-HA-HA-HA, well you were wrong as ever. Let me tell you the scariest part of the game: my friend was playing, and he got killed by this thing with blades as hands, instead of leaving him alone after he died, the thing decided to cut him up...bit by bit, hands, legs, neck, EVERYTHING was cut. NOT SCARY AT ALL!!! [except for that one part, we had our jaws dropped in disgust]. On your first playthrough, the game seems SOOOOO LONG!!!!!!!! It is very compelling, the graphics were great, and it took "horror" survivor to the next level..having you killing enemies with strategy, cutting off their legs to slow them down, arms to immobile them, and the head to decapitate them. You also get this thing called Statis, Mass Effect fans know this, but instead of freezing them, it slows enemies down a lot. It is fun when they're jumping at you and you use it...and then you SLAP them and they fly across the room =]

Overall: Who wouldn't want to spend their precious video game hours decapitating mutants and sending them into Zero-G. 9.5/10

I'm not going to talk about Fracture and Viva Pinata, I was impressed by Fracture and recommend it [8/10], but was disappointed in the new Viva Pinata [6/10]

Alright, now the big dogs: Fable II and Little Big Planet

Fable II: Well, honestly, never played the first. If it's like the second, well then its awesome. Fable II is a mix of Kingdom Hearts, Gauntlet, and Too Human. You start out as a boy, and that builds up the whole story mode [that I won't tell you] and then you set off in later years to fulfill your quest, with your companion dog. You can choose Good or Evil, Purity or Corruption, which alter how people react and how you look physically. Well, being Good is never fun, so I choose the Evil way, and now my guy is dark-grey skinned,has the lightning streaks all over his body like the Too Human man, and has horns, yes, devil horns. Fable II has a big environment and although the graphics arent 'WOW LOOK AT THAT EGG!!!' [Metal Gear Solid 4 cutscene reaction from my friend, the cutscenes in Fable II are spectactular.

Overall: Setting town people's ablaze, and hacking-and-slashing baddies can occupy me for some time, 9.75/10


And now it's time for....LITTLE BIG PLANET!!

Even though GameStop was suppose to get this game Tuesday, they received it yesterday and I picked it up. Even though I don't own a PS3 personally, me and my friend split it cuz we were estatic for LBP. We started off learning the basics, and ever though we're not far in the game, BEST FREAKING GAME EVER!!! PERIOD. You can ask him [ps3isdasht] that I go insane with stickers of the monkey. Where we left off, he was a lion, and i was a zebra =]. We enjoy slapping each other.

Overall: 10/10 'nuff said.

Death Magnetic, Bioshock, and Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Well, September 12th, 2008, the most kiss-ass album came out, Metallica's Death Magnetic. I bought it after school...and OH MY GOODY GOODY GUM DROPS! it is AMAZING!!! with a capital A-MA-ZING. You can listen the entire album here or here. The album was based off their previous album ...And Justice For All, which most people agree, was their best album. They did throw in some guitar from Master of Puppets and The Black Album with the main vocals reminding me of ReLoad. Their single "The Day That Never Comes" is a mimic of their hit-single "One", and well, it does. The intro, the slow beginning, picking it up, the long continious single note ram, solo, outro. The solo isn't AS INSANE, but still...thats why they have other songs to do that. The other single "My Apocalypse" will make the drummer playing it on GH4/GH3 lose his hand, continious drum beating [THANK GOD NO MORE SNARE DRUM!!!!]. "My Apocalypse" is a very good song, and is the only song to mention "Death Magnetic" in the song.

Other songs on the album include:

  • That Was Just Your Life
  • The End of The Line
  • Broken, Beat, & Scarred
  • All Nightmare Long
  • Cyanide
  • The Unforgiven III
  • The Judas Kiss
  • Suicide & Redemption

Now I want to talk about "The Unforgiven III", as most people know, "The Unforgiven" was released in the Black Album and the "The Unforgiven II" released on ReLoad. The Unforgiven III is more upbeat, and pretty much sums up the ending of the Unforgiven series. I won't go much into it.

"Suicide & Redemption" is the longest song on the album, just below 10 minutes, by about 3 seconds. This song does not have any vocals in you can just enjoy the guitars and drums.

Okay now, Bioshock, I thought this game was retarded when it first came out, but I just rented it from GameFly about a week or so ago, and it is AWESOME. Even though the campaign is kinda short, its so much fun to play over and over again. If only you could become a Bouncer!!

R&CF:TOD i didnt feel like spelling the entire yeah just look at the headline if you don't know what that is. I've always been a fan of these games, but this takes it up a notch. The weapons and gadgets and thingy-majiggers included in this game are just so much fun!!! Eh, i might do a review on this later....

Other updates: 8000 gamerscore, got it like last week, 8000 in 2 months...woot. Yeah, im an achievement whore, got a problem?

Music Legends Comeback & Updates

Well what can I say? 2008 is a year that great bands have released [or will release] their new albums.

I'll start off with the most obvious, Metallica.

Death Magnetic is the turn-around from "St. Anger"

Now I know a lot of people hated it, i hated all but two songs. I thought of the album as an experiment...try something new, well now that they know that idea blows, they're back to their good ol' shredding selves. The three new songs I've heard "The Day That Never Comes", "Cyanide", and "My Apocalypse" are just....AMAZING. you can listen to them at this link here

That playlist is mine I created for my myspace, so it does have other songs on there, but the three new songs are on there as well, so listen up!!!!!!


Ok second is AC/DC. This isn't really a comeback...but its been since what? 2001? so 7 years they've made us wait...and they JUST RELEASED THE NEW SINGLE TODAY! go to to listen to their new single "Rock N Roll Train" [it plays automatically when you arrive at the home page.]

AC/DC's new album "Black Ice" will be released on October 20th SO GO PRE-ORDER IT! NOW! yeah......

Also, Disturbed's fourth album, Indestructible, was released on June 3rd, 2008. Disturbed is only one of seven bands that have released three #1 albums in a row [Metallica, Van Halen, Pearl Jam, U2, Staind, Dave Matthews Band] and to do it on their fourth album is pretty darn good in my book.

Indestructible features the hit single "Inside The Fire" which is now used as the theme song to the movie "The Scorpion King II" and the newly remastered "Perfect Insanity" from the "Ten Thousand Fists" album.

Oh, and Slipknot's new album "All Hope Is Gone" was released on August 20th, 2008. It is the band's fourth album, and features the single "Psychosocial" and songs such as "Snuff" "All Hope Is Gone" "Vendetta" and "The Butcher's Hook". The metal band recorded this album in their home state of Iowa.

Now I'd like to list some of my all-time favorites from these bands and two others, Shinedown, and Bullet For My Valentine, so if you guys are interested in any of these bands, you have some songs to listen to.


  • Attitude
  • Ride The Lightning
  • Hero of The Day
  • Master of Puppets
  • Blackened
  • One
  • The Day That Never Comes
  • Motorbreath


  • Thunderstruck
  • Razor's Edge
  • Back In Black
  • TNT
  • Let There Be Rock
  • Rock N Roll Train
  • What Do You Do For Money, Honey?
  • Givin' The Dog A Bone


  • Facade
  • Indestructible
  • Perfect Insanity [Indestructible Version]
  • The Curse
  • Inside The Fire
  • This Moment
  • 10,000 Fists
  • Land of Confusion


  • Vendetta
  • Psychosocial
  • All Hope Is Gone
  • Before I Forget
  • Pulse of The Maggots
  • The Butcher's Hook
  • Snuff
  • Duality


  • .45
  • Cyanide Sweeth Tooth Suicide
  • Devour
  • Heroes
  • Invisible Man
  • Save Me
  • Fly From The Inside
  • All I Want
  • Burning Bright

Bullet For My Valentine

  • Take It Out On Me
  • Eye of The Storm
  • Disappear
  • Waking The Demon
  • Scream Aim fire
  • Room 409
  • Tears Don't Fall
  • Suffocating Under Words of Sorrow

Wow, this is a really long blog post for me....and there's still more

Well let's see, school started up last week, Freshmen, woot.

School's pretty good so far, kinda annoying though.

I got 7000 on my new gamertag Jo Jo Sanchez in less that 3 months.

I'm about to get Bioshock, and test that out, I've heard lots of good things about it.

Uh, i think thats about see ya

Team USA to go 4-0?

Well as everyone should know, the Olympics have been going on.

And if anyone watched Michael Phelps last night, they know that he won the gold medal in the 100m freestyle by .01 of a second. THAT WAS INSANE, but not what i want to talk about.

I'm watching Team USA playing against Spain for the battle for 4-0 and the #1 spot in their Group Standing.

Right now its 56-41 Team USA. 1:25 remaining in the 2nd.

Lebron James and Carmelo Anthony have been going downtown having 5 of the 8 3's.

Team USA has caused over 10 TO's and its only the 2nd quarter!

The announcer dudes having been talking about Pau Gasol and having trouble getting past him.

Well uh, last time I checked, Spain had 1 NBA all-star....USA has a roster full.

Who would win: Pau Gasol with some Spain guys or Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Chris Paul, Dwayne Wade, Carlos Boozer, Carmelo Anthony, Dwight Howard, Jason Kidd [must I continue?]

If anyone reading this is from Spain, I'm not dissing the Spain team, they're very good, just not good enough for Team USA.

Hopefully we'll be seeing you guys for the Gold Medal Round.......

In other news, USA has been up on China on medal total for a couple of days, and USA got 7 more medals yesterday.

USA's volleyball duo, Dalhausser [i think i spelt that wrong] and Rogers, beat Sweden in 3 sets [21-16, 23-21, 16-14? im pretty sure that was right] and still is on the roll. And USA volleyball team [not duo] beat China is 3 straight sets for the sweep.

I didn't get to watch the gymnastics cuz i got fed up waiting for it to get on and something boring was on...but i forgot what.

XBOX LIVE thinks I'm a cyber racist?

Ok well, the other day I sign onto XBOX LIVE and a screen pops up saying "According to XBOX LIVE policy, Jewish Bagel 69 is no longer allowed. Please change your name before playing XBOX LIVE again.' I was mad. Jewish Bagel 69 was an awesome name, and people on XBOX LIVE seemed to like it, someone would always think it was cool when I played, but apparently I played with Jewish people...and they filed a complaint on my gamertag as "Inapporiate" So now I am Jo Jo Sanchez....if I get called on racism for this one....I give up.

Ok well recently I haven't been on, summer and the whole nine yards.

School starts Monday, I got my schedule, 9th grade orientation is Friday, I hate being Freshmeat, good thing it's only a year...then the new kids come in from the Middle School.

I rented Battlefield: Bad Company....I am in love with this game. Awesome game, I have to return it tomorrow =[. I just want to get my Colonel (rank 20) for the achievement worth 25G cuz I am an achievement whore (if you can say that on this site, if not sorry). Also, to beat "Ghost Town" on hard, its the only level left for Hard for me, yes I beat "Crash and Grab" on Hard...which was nearly impossible and I almost threw the controller at the wall....3 freaking tanks come outta now where and blow my buggy up, I must of died atleast 80 times, thank god for checkpoints and saves.

Gears of Wars 2 is within reach, less than 3 months...start the countdown.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed....very, very soon, September 16th! I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, saw the movies, played some games, but I am really excited for this one. I played as the Secret Apprentice on Soul Caliber IV and he only has like 1/4 of his ability so yeah....FORCE LIGHTNING AND FORCE BOMB HOLE THINGY WOOT WOOT!

I shipped to get my PSP fixed, got it back 2 weeks ago, very fun now. I bought Patapon, the greatest effing game ever! It's addicting and hard, and annoying ALL AT THE SAME TIME! especially the mini games, I hate them. Theres and afro-tree in it lol.

Updates, plus CRUEFEST!!

I haven't been on in awhile, I've been slacking around.

Well lets see, I've had my new gamertag "Jewish Bagel 69" now for a month. I got 3760/10000, I'm hoping to atleast get half the total gamerscore in each game sooner or later.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 free DLC Fan Pack should be out later this week or next week [HOPEFULLY].

I bought Crackdown and Shadowrun, they're flippin' awesome!

Ok, yesterday in West Palm Beach, Florida; Cruefest had its opening night.........and I was there.

Trapt, Sixx: AM, Papa Roach, Buckcherry, and of course.....MOTLEY CRUE!!

This concert was freakin' INSANE!

Not a lot of people were there for Trapt and Sixx: AM [Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue is in this band], but once Papa Roach hit the stage, everyone was there.

Everyone was out of their seats by the 2nd song, they know how to put on a show [even though they're not the main band there]

Buckcherry was a little disappointing, YOU COULDN'T HEAR THEM SING OVER THE INSTRUMENTS!!!! They tried a little too much to be "Cruefest" material.

They made us wait 40 minutes for Motley Crue!! IT WAS TORMENTING!!

Once we heared the Rev of a motorcycle, we knew what was coming....The Crue!

They opened up with "Kickstart My Heart", then we had a little "Wild Side", and then of course "Shout At The Devil", then Tommy Lee did this one thing that I most likely can't discuss on this website.

Vince Neil then talked about their new album "Saints of Los Angeles" I heard a couple of their new album songs, they played of course "Saints of Los Angeles" and "MutherF***** Of The Year".

After the whole new album thing, they went back to older songs such as "Looks That Kill"

When they finished this song, Tommy Lee said "This is going to sound so [bleep] messed up, you're gonna be shocked. EVERYONE SIT DOWN!' so everyone sat, and then he continues "As you all know, we have a song called 'Primal Scream'" then some guy stood up and screamed 'WHOO' and Tommy told him to sit the [bleep] down, so then he continues "On the count of 4, you're going to scream "Scream" and jump up and down. 1...2...PRIMAL...' and then we all jumped up and screamed "Screamed" and they sang the song.

After "Primal Scream", Vince Neil says to us "OKAY EVERYONE, RIGHT HAND UP IN A FIST!" we all do so, then he goes "Ok, now take that hand and rev it back" and we do, and as we...OH MY THE REVS FROM THE MOTORCYCLE THAT BEGINS "Girls, Girls, Girls"

After that song, Vince Neil asks us how we're doing, if we feelgood. And then goes "Well, if you're not, you might want a visit from 'Dr. Feelgood'". We were psyched.

Once this was over, they said their some ppl left. Then Motley came back on and sang "Home Sweet Home"

That was the end of the show, only disappointment from Motley was they didn't sing "Smoking In The Boys Room"

Well thats all, hopefully Cruefest will be better next year, going to be hard to top this year.

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