@Megavideogamer Pull your head out of your ass and do some research. There are plenty more tech. companies than Blackberry. BioWare is Canadian. Relic is Canadian. Rockstar has offices in Toronto and Vancouver. Ubisoft Motnreal is huge. Capcom Vancouver makes the Dead Rising games. Eidos Montreal is made Deus Ex: HR and is working on the new Thief game. And that's just SOME of the video game companies working in Canada.
Obviously there will be less in Canada than in the USA considering we have 1/10th of the population, but to deny all the Canada does is absolutely moronic. Oh, and don't get me started on the tech industry in Canada.
@AyatollaofRnR And what happens in a few years when the authentication servers go down? Now you have a $500 paperweight. Oh, and I guess I can't play my Xbox at the cottage anymore. Or if my internet goes out. Or if I'm in another country other than 'MURCA.
@Icepick_Trotter This man has contributed so much to gaming already. You can't blame him for wanting a break from all the stress and pressure of being the Zelda director.
@the_big_doggg Nothing, these are facts being reported by Microsoft themselves. Look at any website and you'll see the same thing. It's not a conspiracy.
@SpardisJX Wow, grow up. It's a new console, so old programming is incompatible with it. That's just how computers work. All the other announced features of the PS4 are looking to be really good.
But go cry back to Microsoft then, because everything can't be your way/
@megakick But if also means it's easier for developers. They wont charge you for what you already own, it just will be incompatible. They'll definitely be working on getting PS1 and PS2 PSN games working, though games for the third will have to be streamed.
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