@top8cat @Komania @dunc7827 Yes, but a PC isn't the same, as it is download based (contrary to disk-based consoles). Consoles are also more social platforms IMO. I wouldn't bring a PC game over to a friends house, whereas I would bring a PS3 game over, for instance.
They could implement some kind of feature that binds a game to a PSN/Live account, but then how would offline play work? I just find that banning used games would negatively impact the customers.
@WingChopMasta @Komania @dunc7827 Um... Actually, a business has to care what people want. These are all reasons why a person would not want to buy a console that blocks used games, therefore the company loses potential money.
Also, I'm hardly naive. I wasn't saying what a company should or shouldn't do, I simply said how companies doing that could negatively impact the consumer.
@dunc7827 Are you joking? By blocking used games the extra money will mostly go to the producer of the game, not the developer.
Also, people don't seem to think of the consequence of blocking used games. Want to bring a game over to a friend's house to play it? Too bad. Your console breaks? Say goodbye to your old games. Want to rent a game? Well that's gone too now.
@AP3Xoblivion The ending is so unbelievably flawed from a narrative perspective. Why and how did the Illusive Man get on the Citadel? How did Anderson get there? Why didn't Harbinger shoot Shepard or the Normandy? How come a laser that can destroy buildings didn't kill Shepard when he got hit in the head? How come they order troops to fall back, even though right before they said "there's no falling back"? Why is there a giant beam leading to the Citadel? Why is t here an all powerful command console in the Citadel? How did Anderson get up before Shepard did? Why are the engines from the Shadow Broker's ship in the Citadel? Why is the ending so dream like with the oily shadows that were present during the dream sequence present during the ending?
My favorite: Why is it when Shepard shoots Anderson does he get a bullet wound in the EXACT SAME SPOT?
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