Is it just me or are we starting to get games now that are slowly becoming what we expect from this gen of systems? I am speaking of the ps3 and 360. Even though games are still coming out on the ps2 they are few and far between. Those who have played the new ghost busters game would have seen a drastic improvement in what games can do with all the nice effects put in place. Hawx also has a certain flair about it, that makes it stand out as well. End war for me was an absolute waste of time and money, even though I gave the game a good go, the controls and camera were the worst I have seen, graphically it wasn't so good either. C&C: red alert 3 on the ps3 was also a let down as it was one of the few RTS to come to the console. 360 users got it first and it probably looked better on that. The ps3's version graphic plate was horrendous, but I was willing to put that aside if it weren't for the radar taking up over 3/4 of the screen.
Another game that came out only this year was a real gem for both the 360 and ps3, CoR: Assault on dark athena. This was a welcome treat with all the touches that made it stand out over other fps games. It had a decent storyline and far more interation with people, objects etc that when I finished it, I was waiting for more.
Last year I saw 2 games that really pushed the ps3, they were GTA and mgs4. Both games really showed what next gen games can do. Then as time went on, we were treated to some games that made it and others that you would rather not look at on the shelf. It's funny for all bad games that came to the ps2, they were at least still playable and you could stomach sitting through playing them. Some of the current gen games are worse. Killzone 2 is a good example of this. Yes graphically it's better, but all the game mechanics and story have been stripped away, leaving a sub standard game in its wake. Despite K1's shortfalls it was a great game, the story had the right pace, you could pick up 3 different weapons and all weapons had an alt fire mode. K2 two weapons were fixed and also had unlimited ammo, they were the hand gun and knife. The primary weapon which you start with the assault riffle only had one fire mode and it was the only weapon you could swap out. And when you did pick up other weapons, they too only had one fire mode.
What's more only Rico who returns from K1 is your squad leader and you play a relatively unknown soldier. K2 may have all the graphic touches and the online play, but that is really all it has. If we compare it to haze (which wasn't exactly the best either) you can see the holes in both. Haze's story was a bit far fetched, but the game did try new things and most of the time it wasn't a bad game. The AI wasn't all that smart. It did have split screen multiplay co-op online and a host of other standard FPS online modes.
Resistance: Fall of man 1 wasn't bad, but it was very unforgiving and finding health was a chore unto itself. It was this reason I never played resistance 2.
Brothers in arms: hells highway, is by far the best fps game that I have played. It had lush textures and color, the game also teaches you strategy in regards to how to use the four F's. One of the best levels was in the rain at night. The story was solid and it felt like playing through the Band of brother's series. Those of you who have it will understand. Those who don't or haven't played it on either ps3 or 360, I suggest you do so.
Last year we were also treated to fantasy/rpg hybrid of sorts, overlord (360) and overlord: raising hell (ps3) it was basically the same game for both but the ps3 version had the added expansion on the disc as well. I think for 360 users, they had to download the add on. Despite the very pedestrian nature of the game, it was a heap of fun. There was just something about sending off the minions to do your dirty work for you only to come back wearing a pumpkin for a helmet. Just recently overlord 2 was released and follows the same sort of trend. So codemaster's didn't miss the mark at all. They did another game that was a cross between 3 games. Overlord (in part) god of war and warriors of might and magic. It was rise of argonauts, which I actually enjoyed playing. Fun as it was it was also a bit on the short side. I was and still am hoping for a number 2.
Gran turismo is a bit of a tease, they release the prologue and then sit on the game for a while until they can release it. But it should never take over 2-3 years to come out. Oh that's right it hasn't yet. It should never take this long for a game to be finished.
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