@adjsaint But the controllers eat through those batteries like no other and they dont last forever. Why cant they simply put its own battery in the thing like the PS3?
@deadly_yank33 @NoahRoalson @Sun-Tzu-GE Last time I checked we were buying a GAMING CONSOLE, not some social media box. So yes those 400 dollars are well justified. This is what new generation of consoles have been doing for years. If you want to do all kinds of crap on your machine, then go buy a PC...can do far more on it and play games at the same time than you ever can on console.
@SaintJimmmy exactly and its not like recharge units are expensive! Hell just throw in a USB cord and you could nearly charge it from anywhere. From your PC to your Smartphone charger.
Seems like a rip off to me. I can get a really good Keyboard AND Mouse for gaming for that price. And 25 dollars for what will most likely be a flimsy headset like the 360's? Seriously an extra 15 dollars for just the charger? When the PS3's controllers came with them...
3.5GB dedicated to the OS seems rather alot. I know you cant compare PC's to consoles but my Windows 7 only uses roughly 1.5GB. I also can use the game booster to lower it even more so more memory goes towards games. It would be nice if consoles had something similar.
@roger_z0 Whats hillarious is its an always online game, soo you are forced to have xbox live gold to play it ROFL. Meanwhile on PC we dont have to pay a sub fee to play games online.
Kooken58's comments