@D-Ripp @Kooken58 Halo, Gears of War, COD...all being milked franchises. Ill take quality games over games that are pumped out constantly that lack innovation. I loved Halo 3, but after Halo Reach the series has just gone downhill. I play most my games on PC anyway cuz i can save money on PC. But i still like to have a console. I was pro Xbox and 360. But this generation Im sticking with playstation.
@D-Ripp I can watch TV on my Actuall television. Why would I want to watch it through my Xbox? Still need a cable or satalite box anyway so who cares. Also kinect is pretty terrible. Most dont Want it. If both consoles were the same price I wouldnt see an issue. But the fact is Xbox is 100 dollars more and it comes with all kinds of crap your average gamer doesnt even want or will never use.
@Gargus Actually that isnt really true. Alot of the games are peer to peer. Meaning the players host the games. COD is one example i can think of...I hate the whole matchmaking system. The person hosting the games is often put at a huge advantage over the others and it often chooses the worst host.
@mos2000 Let me pick apart what you said and point out several things wrong. DDR5 RAM doesnt exist yet. What the PS4 is using is GDDR5 Memory. that Is GPU memory. Pretty much every card uses GDDR5 now days, even low end cards. You can find 130 dollar cards that use GDDR5. Also the majority of publishers host their own Dedicated Servers. BF3 online? The servers are hosted through EA's servers. Then the vast majority of games are Peer-Peer. Meaning the players themselves host the game. Do you ever notice how games like COD can sometimes be laggy when there is a crappy host?
Companies like Steam have been offering free online services for free for many years now, and it offers pretty much everything your console does. (Besides the non gaming stuff like netflix).
@mos2000 You do realize that the majority of the online servers for consoles is supported by the publishers as well right? Or in the occasional case (COD) the players through matchmaking.
@DaSolidestSnake @vicarandrew A lot of us are college kids who already have to pay for rent, internet, food....got to hold onto whatever cash we can. Why cant they simply just offer gaming online for free just like it has been on PC forever. And then charge for other services. Developers often host their own dedicated servers for games. Playing games online usually doesnt go through sony's or microsofts servers at all.
@CaptWaffle I live how you have to have a subscription for something to get discounts...That is one reason why I rarely play console anymore and stick with my PC. I can get discounts all the time for games, without ever having to have a subscription for something. If Microsoft or sony offered game discounts for everyone without having to have a stupid subscription for them then maybe fewer would go out and buy used games.
Kooken58's comments