@communistpanda Did you listen to what they had said? This wasnt a demo but a straight up Dev build that the developers themselves are using. Other companies spend months creating a demo build for the game specifically for E3 or other conventions. Those other companies have the recources and enough people to do such, while other small indie companies do not. Dean Hall himself said he is open when it comes to such, so yes, he showed a developer build of the game on purpose to show the fans how far he has come along. You are not going to fix everything in a short 7 months time...
@spindie @Gam3r0uTLaWz Its clear to me you know nothing about how mods work...You can just magically create items or animations and new mechanics out of a mod. There was never a melee option in the original Arma 2 game....soo therefore you cant technicallly just pull a melee weapon out of your ass and put it in the game. You have to disguise it, just like they did in the game.
@masterhound Scammer devs? You do realize the original Dayz Was free right? lol. You magically expect the game to become finished in less than 7 months time?
@jophy Smartphones and Social Media...to stay connected to your friends and family....Still at the core, if you have no connection or data connection you can STILL make a phone call. That is what a phone is designed for at the most basic level now days. Now you go to a console, what is it designed for? Gaming...Dont have a connection? Cant play a game, pretty retarded...
@racerxgundam @BrutalPandaX2 If we all just refused to buy an xbox for 6 months (Even the fanboys) then microsoft would be forced to go about things differently. Then again I dont know why I still would want to pay an extra 100 dollars more for a system that is still less powerful than the PC. I still think its pathetic that underclocked their own system.
@Ahiru-San You may be fine with it, that doesnt make it right though. I for one am not going to pay for a 500 dollar Underclocked (Yes they underclocked their own system due to overheating issues) system that requires me to plug it in every damn day to the net.
The moment alot of people buy it, is the moment microsoft realizes they can get away with stupid crap and will force more and more restrictions on you and then it snowballs into the rest of the gaming industry and by then we are totally screwed over as a consumer, losing all our rights.
Kooken58's comments