Kounterfit's forum posts
This whole use of the word 'overrated' is just a sorry excuse to express your opinion.
If you don't like the game, play something else. Period.So... people aren't allowed to express their opinion about a game if they don't like it?
lol. if that is what you got out of what i said...try reading again. what i am saying is why sit and complain about a game that you don't like. just go and play something different.This whole use of the word 'overrated' is just a sorry excuse to express your opinion.
Well said! I feel like CoD is a franchise that produces a great, immersive SP as well as an addicting MP that eclipses the SP after the first or second playthrough. I think people just like to bash a game just because its a favorite of most...as if its the "cool" thing to do to say "COD IS SO OVERRATED". If you don't like the game, play something else. Period.i'm exactly the same way. achievements are a huge part of gaming for me but i love the idea of them. plus, you cant beat the excitement of hearing an achievement when you weren't trying to get one. i always have to look and read the notification.Once i'v completed the game and tried the multiplayer i do the achievments becuase i like being challanged
Is this a joke? that picture looks like a bad photoshoped picture, the scratches are off the disk, and its not even a xbox 360 disc. Don't be mad if this is real but seriously, PS3 fanboys can't trick me as easily.
Edit. I dont know if your a ps3 fanboy, but I looked at that picture, those red lines are so fake, and also, there wouldn't be any red lines. Your xbox is the devils or something.
lol that is so funny. you need to lighten up and stop thinking "fanboys" are out to get 360 owners. maybe you should stay away from system wars for a while.
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