I'm a sparratic gamer. I will play a game off and on...30 minutes here one day...30 min two days from then. I really don't just sit down and play hardcore like most do. I don't wait in line for games or rarely do preorders. Since I have been out of college, I realize that gaming is more of a hobby rather than an obsession and I enjoy playing 1-3 hours a week...if that!
I am not sure what i should get first out of Splinter Cell Conviction, Assassins Creed 2 or Modern Warfare 2.
those are the 3 games that i want too! i am going to get MW2 when it comes out, and due to money restrictions, wait for review/demo/rent for SP:C and AC2. If i had enough, I would buy all three...thats for sure!
thats good and bad in my eyes. good on the fact that its gonna be amazing and everyone will start at the beginning day 1 instead of some people having a couple weeks of play time. bad on the fact that I REALLY WANTED IN THE BETA ;-)
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