Even my wife knows about my other woman I used to love her, her name was Cocaine, then she introduced me to her sister her name is Black Tar Heroin and shes slim and runs quieter than Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell, she has green eyes (if I make her angry they can turn red) I prefer to lay her down and play with her, sometimes I watch her and my wife get together its beautiful.
Why the drug references? Because XBOX is my Anti-drug
Black Tar also has a DUFF (Da Ugly Fat Friend) named PS3 she has 1 blue eye and 1 green eye, she can be cool sometimes we mainly watch Blu-ray movies together but I don't mess with her much because she doesn't put out that often, she makes me wait and wait for her to put on some good software, meanwhile she tries to tell me how much better she is than Black Tar, plus shes HOMELESS but she is lookin to have one soon:lol:
haha very clever
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