I absolutely love Starbucks. I like mocha frappachinos with a mocha drizzle! Oh man its amazing when all that is left is whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
I have yet to cut myself shaving. I have been shaving for over 5 years...and since the first day I have been shaving, I have always used the Gillete Mach 3(Or previous Mach shavers) and I never once cut myself. "Its all in the hips!"
I dont think they are that bad. Maybe because I am not in high school anymore and I am in college. Tomarrow, I have my last two finals and then I'm done with my 3rd year of college. So I'm excited about tomorrow!
i hated the FREE demo of Kameo (which is pretty bad when you hate something that is free), PDZ, and Dead Rising (only because I played it on a sdtv and i couldnt read a freakin thing. I'm going to try it again when I get an hdtv and I am sure it will be better!)
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