I'm back! Did ya' miss me?
Well here it is, Fun with Explosives. I hadn't really worked on it in a long time because I wasbusy with school stuff. I know it doesn't make the most scense, but who doesn't love random destruction? I know the lag is still pretty bad in some spots. I did all I could to help that, but I can't do a lot about it until I get that new video card in a few weeks here. Oh, and does anyone else hate how Gamespot's video player makes it sound like you're listening to the video inside a metal bucket?
Please let me know what you think. Don't be affraid to critique if you mean it. Let me know what you do and don't like so I can inprove my future movies. I'll blog a little later about some real movies I've seen recently, and about some ideas for some of my own.
Kyle 8)
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