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Kratose7 Blog

Another video (just watch it)

Hey peeps!

I made another video using Gmod and wanted to know what you think. I made sure you could see it this time. Also, if you haven't seen the one in the last blog, watch that as well.


Let me know what you think, even if you don't like it.


Hey people, come see this!

I just uplaoded a bunch of pics from Gmod that I thought you might like to see. My favorites are the middle 2 on the 2nd page, and the last one on the last page. The very last one I'm using for my wallpaper.

I also just uplaoded a video I made in Gmod. There's no animation, just still frames, but I think it turned out well for a first try. Please view and leave a comment to let me know what you think.


By the way, this is a joke! People are taking the Iran part way to seriously. Keep in mind they do want you and everyone you love dead, and would use a nuke on us after they nuke Isreal if they had any, but that's beside the point. It's entertainment people, take it for what it is.

The union has been doing well. Come join if you haven't.

Thanks, and have a great summer!


I won't be online for a few days.

Just want to let everyone know that I won't be online for a few days, just in case you're looking for me. See you next week, and I should have all the union invites and such ready then.

Have a nice weekend!!!


Who here knows what they're doing?

Hey people!

I'm glad to see some positive response on my union. I'l also glad to hear some critisism. I'm working on getting it started and inviting charter members. I hope to have things up and running next week.

Now I need to know if anyone has any skills at uploading images and video, and at making icons, banners, signature things and that stuff. I think Bavoke can handle the banner; I'll get him information on what we want later on. As a union, we can decide what we want for all these things, and then see who can make them.

I also need to know what you think about new members. Should the union be open to all, or should people have to apply. Making people apply can help keep out poeple who don't really want to be in the union.

Finally, I tried inviting a full 8 charter members. Among them were Alpha_Zealot, GodOfGuitar2, and Mr_Doom212, all of whom already belong to 30 unions. If they would like to join, they will have to resign from one of their other unions. I would really like you guys to join. Please post a comment!!!

Thanks!! Kratos

Starting a union

Hey you! (she's right, that is fun!)

I've been seriously considering starting a union, and wanted to know what you guys think. I'm going to call it "United Gamers Against Political Correctness." We could talk about all the new happenings in the gaming world, as well as the rest of the world. We could have polls, and pic/video wars, and maybe even talk politics *gasps of horror*. I see so many other unions where it gets formed, and then everyone forgets it ever even existed. This is our chance to make a union and do it right.

To make this work, I need you guys to help me. I need people to be charter members, and for you to let me know if you would rather join as a recruit once the union is up. Tell me what you think of the idea. If you think it's just a really stupid idea, let me know that too. Please post something to let me know you read this.

Also, I just got promoted to an officer in the Classic and Present Games Union!

Please post a comment and/or PM me!


2 Things

Hey people. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I love F.E.A.R. but my computer has a lot of trouble playing it. It doesn't just slow down, it stops for up to ten seconds while I'm playing! Even with all the settings lowered and at 600X800. I have a Dell XPS 400 with 1 gig of RAM, and an ATI Radion X600 256 mb video card. I'm almost certain the video card is the problem. Does anyone know of a better card I could get for under $300 that would make the game run better?

The other thing is Google Earth. I was wondering if anyone else has it. I do and if anyone else doesn't, you should get it. It's free from Google.

Still working on God of War 2. I had to start over on normal because I got stuck in God difficulty.

Have a nice day. Nice... hm, how about pleasent, yes that's better! have a pleasent day!

New Banner!!!

Hello people. Bavoke, being the wonderful sort of person he is, made me a banner. They told me he was good and they were right. Go on, be jealous.

I'm still working on God of War 2. It's very good. It improves on the old one quite a bit in some areas, but in others just doesn't seem to have any heart.

I've been paying through Medieval 2: Total War for the 4th time. I want to squeeze all the life out of it so that I'll just be getting tired of it by the time the expantion is released in August. I just hope there is enough new about it to make the game worth a few more plays through.

I'm also looking for a good image of Dante to use for a new user icon. Or maybe I should just keep it the let me know what you think.


Never Again Will I do an Online Preorder!!!

I preordered God of War 2 nearly 2 months in advance of the March 13th release date. I thought well, it's going to be popular and sell out the first day, so I should make sure I don't have to wait a week like all the other losers who don't think ahead. March 13 came and went, I checked the order status; shipped. Gamestop gave me a traking number I could use on the USPS website. I did, and it said electronic shipping info recieved March 13th. I checked back every day. Finally, on that Friday, March 16th, it said shipment excepted. Not sent, excepted. it didn't show up until the next Wednsday, over a week. I expected 2 or 3 days, not 8! A few extra days might not seem like a big deal to most people, but it is to someone who had been waiting for nearly a year since God of War 2 was annonced! The whole point of a preorder is that you are garunteed a copy of the game at the time of the release date, and you don't have to wait a week for restocking. From now on i'm going to do all my preorders in-store.

God of War 2 is Awesome

I preordered God of War 2 several months ago, and got it on the 20th. It is really one of the best games out there. The graphics and sound are better than the original. The gameplay is a little better with some new moves and abilities. so far I'm about 6 hours into the game, and about to enter the temple of the sisters of fate. It seems like a lot of the little problem that were inthe first game have been fixed. There are finally more boss battles!! It seems like none of them so far except the Colosus are as big as the bttles in the first game, but I'm sure ther are more to come. Bottom line, it's a great game and if you have a PS2, you should buy it!!!!

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