@Gamer_4_Fun Piracy has nothing to do with it. It is all about selling the game as many times as possible, by delaying the announcement of the PC version they get multi-platform gamers to buy the game on Consoles and then again on PC 9 months latter , that is their real game plan.
Furthermore do you really think MS and Sony don't pay for timed exclusives? How do you think Xbox got the expansion packs for GTAIV first?
I am not saying that they payed for it not to be PC, but they did pay for it to be on their consoles at the same time, there is no one in the PC market with enough incentive to take part in practice, so the game comes to PC last.
@SurfaceNerd @jimdove2 2 titans in SLI is useless, you get what 10-15% improvement over one? Heh but I guess it is still better spent money then a prebuilt PC.
I am not surprised how skeptical people are on GS about 4k resolutions, this is after all a mainly console gaming site, and people who only play consoles have never seen a 1080p game, heck a lot of the games on current gen are not even native 720p. Even the next gen consoles will not have native 1080p games at the beginning, so them getting why 4k is exiting is highly implausible.
Not to mention they can't really test out what a difference FPS and resolution settings make to the gameplay experience, while every PC gamer ever has tried capping his FPS at a certain point of playing with different resolutions, so while we PC gamers know that 4k will make a huge difference in the future they can't possibly know that.
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