Well other than the Blue Jays and Red Sox, no team that did really well this year has any personality players. Blue Jays got the cover last year so that's out but it's curious that they didn't go with Ortiz or someone else from Boston. Griffey is awesome though and hit the HoF this year so I'm more than happy with this.
I don't have a lot of exp. with micro transactions but it's usually seems like character skins or accesories. In that regard it doesn't bother me, I still won't bite, though. If it's pay to win micro transactions, it's BS. Dlc... I hate dlc. Very rarely is it ok, like the last of us story dlc. But most of the time it feels like content purposefully left out. I hate to say it because I was looking forward to this game but the new deus ex was the last straw for me. What an empty experience followed up by story dlc one week after release? I traded that shit right after I beat it and haven't looked back. That series is dead to me now. Also very turned off by dlc for Lego games. It's literally the only reason I haven't bought the force awakens.
@noones-my-name: you're not alone. I've been gaming for 30 years and AC3 is my favorite game ever. It's underrated, misunderstood, and Connor has complex emotions that, I think, must be too hard to grasp for a lot of players. I've played it at least 4 times now and I got the plat. trophy and I'd still pay $60 for a remaster of just that game alone ( although I'm hoping it gets bundled with rouge). Anyway, you're not alone. The internet hive mind can be a powerful thing and I have no doubt that it is very much responsible for all the hate AC3 gets.
If they don't update the controls there's no way I'll get this. If they do? I'm all over it! It's a shame AC3 looks like it'll be getting the remaster shaft.
The only change I don't like is that you can earn your Titan without doing the objective. It's really lame to reward players for not participating in the objective. Most of the time my score was double if not triple everyone else so it's clearly a problem. Now these noobs get rewarded? Lame.
I would rate some of my favorite games ever an 8. Just because you love something doesn't make it perfect.
This game is my most anticipated game in a long time and when I logged on here and saw this review up with the score of an 8 I was happy/relived. That's a great score! I can't wait to play it. I just wish the reviewer has played on all 3 platforms asb intrested in the bugs situation. I don't do a lot of day 1 purchases because of this but this will be hard to resist.
Kraven1845's comments