@JediMasterJ42: you have a point, it's just so damn rewarding to be on a good rebel team and beat the empire and just wish more people had the capacity to accomplish that instead of whining that it's too hard. But again, I knkw, casual. Which is fine and I understand. I just need to remind myself of that I guess.
I thought it was fine. As long as you're on a team with players that are worth their space, that is. It should be a struggle for the rebels. And again, with players that actually play the game instead of try to get the best KD/score it's really not bad at all and is rewarding to win. But yes, let's cater to the masses/noobs that suck and don't know how the game works so they don't have to participate but win anyway... Cool...
I don't taking they really need to fix anything. I've quickly found out that the shortcomings of this game are not actually the game itself, it's the players. Play with people that understand the game and they way you need to play to win and you'll have a great and rewarding experience.
@killmoore: I'm guessing you haven't played with anyone that knows what's they're doing nor have you experienced being in a snow speeder and harpooning a AT AT and bring it down. It really makes a difference when you're on a good team and not with a bunch of lone wolfs just trying th get the most kills.
@3LVI5: walker assault if fine, it's the players that need to be fixed. I've won several matches as the Rebels but it's only when your team is actually doing their part instead of trying to get the most kills. ITS NOT ABOUT THAT OR YOUR SCORE!!! GO PLAY COD!!!!!!!
Woah sorry about that...
Anyway what I've started doing is: enter a match on the rebels. If it's mid-late in the match and they're doing good, I'll stay. If it's late in the match and they're down to their last uplink and have virtually no damage done to the walkers.... Get the hell out! Your playing with a bunch of selfish noobs. It's not a balance issues, it's a selfish issuse or they just know the way the game works yet. Either way it's not worth playing with people like that. But I think the balance is fine. The rebels are the underdogs and when you're on a good team it's quite exhilarating and rewarding and really captures the feeling of being a rebel taking on an empire, and defeating them!!
@rimmdogg: I hope so. Either way when the game comes out I'll probably start a group for people who want to play the way it meant instead of just lone wolf style. It's just so annoying when you get thrown I to a match and your team is getting crushed and you quickly realize it's a bunch of ILSTATS playing for themselves..
Kraven1845's comments