I'm confident if you buy a used copy of a game the reactivation cost will be the going rate of current price maybe -5-15%. Just cause I think M$ wants to get away from the physical medium the data is carried on. I'm quite sure all the games will be available for direct download as well as hard copies. They imo are trying to make it so there is no reason to own a physical copy of a game. Most likely due to the fact the games will be on blu-ray, which sony gets a small royalty for. I would like to think M$ is doing this to prevent pirating but, pirating was barely an issue this round of consoles, as it is just not as easy or as userfriendly to pirate as it was in previous gens.
Unless halo is your gaming bread and butter I would say go PC or PS4
all those processes running in the background will be the xbox one's biggest dissadvantage in the gaming dept. I'd rather have basic homescreen an no background tasks if it going to give me the better gaming performance.. isn't that what next gen consoles sposed to be bout???
The differences are miniscule, and unimportant. People are going to have a favorite platform, and always favour it... These details are like watchin a movie on a 32" tv or 60" tv, if it's a good movie, 5minutes into it, I'm bettin your not thinking about the screen size. So what I'm saying is, lookat the people who religously play a game like world of warcraft, do thinj their even noticing the dated graphics? No their totally engaged in the game itself, not the graphics... Only complaint I have with any concole in the grpahics department, is FRAMERATE. nothing pulls you out of a game like your gaming stuttering and even stopping...
Krazyskitzy's comments