Krevnator's forum posts
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
It was a good game. That being said I was disapointed that Zant was a giant p*ssy
The gamecube Tales game was simply amazing in my opinion. It's one of the few RPG's I had played through something like 5+ times.
If I had to choose this or Smash, I would choose Tales 2 no question.
yeah I put a lot of hours into it to. Only 2 playthroughs though, the first one I did the basics and the second one I fought all 3 sword dancers, abyssion, sheena's random ninja fight, got kratos back on my team, did the entire mithos tower dungeon, did the crazy book level. Killing the 3rd sword dancer with Indignation Judgement is like my badass memory of the game.
Tales of Symphonia was a badass, awsome game. I just wonder what plot will transpire.
[QUOTE="Link256"]Wow, I am suprised...
By the way, who in the **** is Lark Anderson? I have been reading GameSpot reviews forever and I cannot ever recall seeing his name anywhere.
He is the guy who did the fire emblem radient dawn review. The worst review ever posted on GS.
Honestly, I think he just s*cked at fire emblem, it was a much better game then the review said. And it shouldn't take heat for not using the wii-mote's features because using it for no reason is totally retarded.
putting focus into hardware is good...
for example, the 360 put no focus into making thier consol not be a piece of $hit that overheats and breaks down all the time.
Single Player: Dogs (I can never just leave that one alone), Realising stupid plot flaws (why the hell did the Russians try to nuke the east coast? That is so retarded, the world is round and they are way closer to the west coast...)
Multi Player: People who use the Grenade Launcher as their primary weapon, When I die from someone randomly tossing a grenade into the air (those guys that just toss 3 in a directon and hope it hits something), lag, how everyone leaves early in s&d if the team is losing, hosts that end the game right as your team is making a comeback, idiot teamates, teamkillers (the game should boot you if you die from killing your own teamates twice)
Yes I would enjoy kicking 360 owners asses
tips: think of cod4 like ninja's with guns. You have to act ninja in order to flank the opponant and get the kill. If you have a ninja mindset it helps.
level up: play headquaters enough until you get with a good team. Seriously if you can dominate its like 5 exp for every few seconds you control the area +10 for kills. If you do that and complete the challenges you should level up pretty fast. From there use the G36C and M14 when you get high enough
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