Story: The story should actually connect some loose/missing things in the zelda plot. Like a prequil to Majora's mask would be cool. It would be a Link before the main series (like they did with minish cap except 3der) that would have to like deal with demons lead by majora. Or they could make a game with the backstory of twilight princess from that cinematic (out of control evil twili with evil spirit links.) If they are going to rehash Ganondorf though they should make him look more renegadeish. Think of it like how he looked right before he went all dragon ball z and transformed into ganon in ocarina of time. Ganondorf just looked a lot younger, and cooler with the long pony tail hair. A direct Ocarina of Time sequil in the Adult Link plot set right after he escapes from the spirit relam. Also it would be cool if he wasn't the main villian but ended up being dominated by a more powerful villian like a true dark link. He could either become a servant of him by force or if he played a roll as the "ally of link with his own agenda" it could make for a good plot.
Gameplay: Make the controls so that I can't kill virtually all of the enemies by flailing the wii-remote wildly. The controls made the last game to easy. Try to get sword swipes more motion spefic and demanding if your going to do them off the wiiremote. Also have varrying enemies in the general game, TP had way to much of those bandits who were honestly kind of pathetic. Link should be ninja'ed out in his weapons. Ball and Chain was cool concept but the ball should be like a smallblade at the endor something that Link can whip around at enemies or even use as a grapple. A spinner like item would need more common useage (really disapointed they did not have big spinner mini-games, that would have been awsome). Also Link needs to get an axe. Other then that just follow the Zelda forumala mostly but they might want to experiment with adding some stuff, like actually having a big battle between soldiers and evil zedla demons and putting link in the middle.
Just some ideas.
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