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#1 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts

Story: The story should actually connect some loose/missing things in the zelda plot. Like a prequil to Majora's mask would be cool. It would be a Link before the main series (like they did with minish cap except 3der) that would have to like deal with demons lead by majora. Or they could make a game with the backstory of twilight princess from that cinematic (out of control evil twili with evil spirit links.) If they are going to rehash Ganondorf though they should make him look more renegadeish. Think of it like how he looked right before he went all dragon ball z and transformed into ganon in ocarina of time. Ganondorf just looked a lot younger, and cooler with the long pony tail hair. A direct Ocarina of Time sequil in the Adult Link plot set right after he escapes from the spirit relam. Also it would be cool if he wasn't the main villian but ended up being dominated by a more powerful villian like a true dark link. He could either become a servant of him by force or if he played a roll as the "ally of link with his own agenda" it could make for a good plot.

Gameplay: Make the controls so that I can't kill virtually all of the enemies by flailing the wii-remote wildly. The controls made the last game to easy. Try to get sword swipes more motion spefic and demanding if your going to do them off the wiiremote. Also have varrying enemies in the general game, TP had way to much of those bandits who were honestly kind of pathetic. Link should be ninja'ed out in his weapons. Ball and Chain was cool concept but the ball should be like a smallblade at the endor something that Link can whip around at enemies or even use as a grapple. A spinner like item would need more common useage (really disapointed they did not have big spinner mini-games, that would have been awsome). Also Link needs to get an axe. Other then that just follow the Zelda forumala mostly but they might want to experiment with adding some stuff, like actually having a big battle between soldiers and evil zedla demons and putting link in the middle.

Just some ideas.

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#2 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts

I don't think you can play sabotage on shipment.

Oh, and Bloc sucks.

I have played sabotage on shipment, the boxes you bombare at either end of the ship, right before the deck where it goes up. Its good because you have to straight up dominatethe other team, its impossible to flank because the map is sosmall width wise. That being saidwhen I have a sh*t for brains team, theway Ican win onmost maps is flanking, which I am good at.

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#3 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts

[QUOTE="Flame_Blade88"]I hope they do and replace Bloc with one of them :lol:hilltops

the funny thing is that bloc isn't one of my favourites
yet it is the map that i got my highest kill streak :lol:

bloc is the map I hate the most and I got both my first airstrike and helicoptor there.

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#4 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts

The problem with Vietnam is it would be hard to do from an accurate historical standpoint since there wasn't a lot of victory in the war and just a stalemate that ended with people withdrawing. Though they would probally be able to string something good together. Also far off future weapons and aliens are NOT call of duty. That would justbe lame, call of duty trying that would be worse than halo 3 (which sucked). If you set it in the future it would have to be the near future.

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#5 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts

They don't have new ones but they added shipment and showdown to all of the games instead of them being rarely used. Shipment is awsome for team deathmatch and sabotage but sucks for free for all. Showdown is alright but not that great. Yeah though bloc sucks, I hate that map.

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#6 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts

If COD5 is a WWII shooter it won't do well, because they raised the bar with COD4 and they can't go back down. I will personally not buy it and call anyone that does a dumbass when they could just go and play any call of duty, metal of honor, or any other of the half a million WWII games out there.

Possible ideas for Call of Duty 5: Maybe a Vietnam game would be good

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#7 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts
look at twilight princess and brawl, getting delayed for YEARS.It makes you wonder how hard the game designers at nintendo actually work. Seriously, "Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we've had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th."THE GAME SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALREADY COMPLETED. Your telling me they aren't even done the game with the years they have done on it. This is rediclous, do nintendo gamedesignersactually work or do they just sit on their ass all day?
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#8 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts
I would say that is the case if the japanese version is released in its entirity without voice chat at the end of january. Otherwise they are just being stupid.
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#9 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts

That's the joys of a complete stealth cl@ss That's what I do, UAV jammer, Dead silence and a silenced weapon. They never know you're comming.


Nice, though I am a bit confused about UAV jammer, does it prevent UAV from just when the person has a UAV scan ordoes it also cover when you fire your weapon?

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#10 Krevnator
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts
If they kill you they have a right to be there. Thats just how the game works, get used to it and stop being such a baby. Besides camping is boring and I enjoy killing campers so I have no sympathy for you. I will only camp in a group match if it is will help my group win (ie getting into a sniper point right after my team plants a bomb on sabotage and picking off the people that try and defuse it.)
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